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Can´t modify footer

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  • #503764


    I develop my site with your theme over an already existent web. I can’t modify the footer in anyway. I can’t remove it, or add prefooter, or add copyright it’s always the same string and I can’t find from where it comes.

    I’m trying to put as prefooter the HTML Block “Pie de página” but always appear the string “© 2023 Essenzia Dormire S.L. Todos los derechos reservados”

    Any help?

    Thanks in advance



    Please deactivate all the 3rd party plugins and activate only theme-required plugins on the site and then check the issue. I am sure your issue will be solved. Then Activate the 3rd party plugins one by one and check which plugin is creating the issue for you.

    Otherwise, if the issue still exists then keep the 3rd party plugins deactivated and let me know i will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    I did it (even WPML) and the problem persists.

    I’ll thank you if you check the problem.

    Thanks in advance



    Eelementor pro is causing the issue on your site. Please get in touch with the plugin support and find out if there are any options to configure the plugin not to influence the footer.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards.


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