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Cart and My account

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  • #381401

    E-N Admin

    Hi there

    Cart widget – Mobile

    Question 1. Can you please let me know how to make product name and price font size smaller in the mobile cart widget.

    Question 2. Also before I had the personalisation details thats added to cart were more closely together – see image (https://prnt.sc/1zzn32g) see below product with personalisation details.

    Q3: Can you please let me know how to remove ‘Add to cart’ button from the side cart widget. This was previously disabled but some reason it has reappeared.

    see image of discussed above: https://prnt.sc/JkUvi-PMwieP

    My Account
    Our my account on mobile appears very close to the side edges and makes it look stretched. See image: https://prnt.sc/GSVqWbJ9cTbN




    1) Please try adding the following Custom CSS in the Custom CSS for Mobile area under Theme Settings >> Custom CSS.

    .widget_shopping_cart .cart-info span.wd-entities-title, .widget_shopping_cart .cart-info span.quantity {
        font-size: 15px;

    2) Sorry but the screenshot you provided is not clear enough to understand what issue you are facing.

    3 &4) This issue doesn’t exist on your website. Please clear the cache and check back.

    Best Regards


    E-N Admin


    I have cleared browsing data and cache on mobile and I have also viewed on private incognito browser and I can still see the ‘View cart” – I don’t want this to appear. We just want checkout button. https://prnt.sc/JkUvi-PMwieP

    Also, My account design is still right on the edge. Everything has been cleared and viewed on private browser

    The code for the font text size for the cart widget also doesn’t work.



    Please try adding the following Custom CSS in the Custom CSS for Mobile area under Theme Settings >> Custom CSS.

    a.button.btn-cart.wc-forward {
        display: none !important;

    For the My account issue please check after deactivating all the third-party plugins.

    Best Regards


    E-N Admin

    I have just tried that new CSS and it still doesn’t work. Also, regarding the text size of product name and price – the code provided before also doesn’t work.

    Nothing is changing



    The CSS should work. It seems that there are some Syntax Errors in the Custom CSS fields. Please make sure that there are no Syntax Errors in the Custom CSS fields then check back.

    If the problem still continues then deactivate all the third party plugins and tell me then we will troubleshoot with the theme plugins.

    Best Regards


    E-N Admin


    The other issue that mentioned above. Is relating to Typekit see error: https://i.imgur.com/YVTfkxW.png
    This is causing our additional product information that would normally look different t compared to how it looks now.

    Can you please let me know how to fix the type kit issue. This has only happened the last month. Prior our design looks fine. I have checked the code and its all fine – nothing has changed with the settings




    Please deactivate all the third party plugins, activate the parent theme then check back.

    If the problem still continues then leave all the third party plugins deactivated and tell me then we will troubleshoot with the theme plugins.

    Best Regards


    E-N Admin

    New update has broken the shop page button design

    see image https://prnt.sc/DSupk0oaz9up

    It use to be like this prior: https://prnt.sc/1zzqyj1
    personalisation button and add to bag button in the same alignment.

    The design issue is only occuring for desktop

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by E-N Admin.


    You asked the same question in your other topic. Please don’t ask the same questions in different topics to avoid any confusion.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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