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  • #497768


    please go to this site and if possible, make sure that the wishlist and cards are in active mode and on the right corner,,, I’ll attach about a photo now so that you understand how to do it
    Thank you in advance..and please let me answer your support Aizaz Imtiaz Awan
    only he is good, if you want to avoid a bad review, let him write, “your other calipers are not good”



    and this page is also raohe some changes to make it look like this




    this is the product page please disable these I don’t need it

    translation in Loko but these words are shown again in English, look at what the problem is and solve



    We add variations but it doesn’t show on the product page. We put it together manually because it was necessary, please make it so that the variations are visible



    and please make sure that when touched the photo does not enlarge

    and all this is what I wrote, what do you do, write it down and show me with screenshots how you can do it so that I can understand it



    and please turn it on so it’s not visible



    please make the banner with a non-adder so that all pages are the same oh then I want to be friends the pages are all different heights
    look and see the difference



    and make sure there is a thin black line on all pages


    Bogdan Donovan


    1. Product hover buttons. Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to make product hover cart and wishlist button always visible and on the right side.

    .product-grid-item.wd-hover-icons .wrapp-buttons {
    	text-align: right;
    	left: 10px;
    	right: 10px;
    	visibility: visible;
    	opacity: 1;
    	transform:  translateY(0) translateZ(0);

    2. Shop loop toolbar. Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to remove breadcrumbs and product sorting select.

    .shop-loop-head .wd-shop-tools:first-child,
    .shop-loop-head .woocommerce-ordering {
    	display: none;

    “Products per page” selector can be disabled via Theme Settings -> Product archive -> Product grid -> Products per page links option (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/aG9vZWyRxej0).

    “Products columns” selector can be configured via corresponding options located in Theme Settings -> Product archive -> Product grid -> Available products columns variations (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/2mOHjdfafBko).

    As an alternative, you can use our Layout builder (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/MGD8OIK9EETv) in which you can create your own Shop page using Elementor builder widgets. More about Layout builder can be found in our documentation https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/.

    3. Single product tab heading. Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to remove product tab heading.

    .wc-tabs-wrapper .wd-nav-tabs-wrapper {
    	display: none;

    As an alternative, if you want to show only review section on your single product page you can use our Layout builder (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/I_WwOsqSfk28) in which you can add on the page only review section widget (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/ZZuKMPmiLlvq) without other Default WooCommerce tab sections.

    4. Single product navigation. Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to remove product navigation.

    .website-wrapper .wd-products-nav {
    	display: none;

    Please pay attention that the following custom code is only related to the default predefined single product page layout. If you create your page via page builder, it may not work and product navigation visibility should be set with use of page builder.

    5. Cart text translation. We have checked your site and didn’t find created translation for Woodmart theme (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/7vk5vfXxA561). Please create the translation file and try to translate desired strings. If it is not working, leave it in that state, so we can check what is causing this issue.

    6. Single product variations. The “Custom add to cart” widget you used is unrelated to the single product template. “Custom Add to Cart” widget offers to apply the button for a certain product (by selecting it ID) to different site places like landing pages, promo sections or etc., but it cannot be used as a regular add to cart button on a single product page template. To show add to cart button (with swatches) on your single product template you need to use “Add to cart” widget (https://prnt.sc/RLPwHGjOt25U) if you use Elementor Pro single product template editor or “Product add to cart” widget (https://prnt.sc/kO85XR_SfJSA) if you use Woodmart Layouts. If you use the right widget, your swatches will be visible. Check the screenshot (https://prnt.sc/xHWrbuIu8wCm).

    7. Product hover image zoom. Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to remove zoom effect from hover product image.

    .product-wrapper .product-element-top:hover .hover-img {
    	  transform: scale(1);

    8. Product loop categories visibility. “Products categories” can be disabled via Theme Settings -> Product archive -> Product styles -> Show product category option (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/g11ss8GuV68W).

    9. Header layout. Looking at your screenshots, you were using a header created through Elementor Pro builder, but now your site is using Woodmart Header Builder, and we can’t check the old settings to see the cause of the problem. We have checked your current header, and it looks normal between different pages (Screenshot 1 https://prnt.sc/zxQRlE0sQbR9, Screenshot 2 https://prnt.sc/3WUxlb7nLESg).

    Kind Regards



    please make my neader look like this
    so that on the left and on the right it bends evenly



    re-see these words

    please fix this, what is this?



    1) https://prnt.sc/u0gX9qCIvF8b
    don’t make it dark but this color

    make it closer



    fix this urgently



    when installing plie stanovich, remove this effect


    Bogdan Donovan

    1. Product hover buttons.

    when installing plie stanovich, remove this effect

    Your issue is not clear enough. Please, describe to us your problems in a bit more detail.

    10. Sidebar mini-cart layout issue. If you are using “Woodmart Header builder cart element” you need to disable Elementor mini-cart template that is designed to work with Elementor Pro header builder. Navigate to Elementor -> Settings-> Integrations -> WooCommerce -> Mini Cart Template and select “Disable”. (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/K5ytv4D5wUGM). If you disable Elementor mini cart template using Woodmart header builder cart element, your mini-cart widget will look similar to our demo (screenshot https://prnt.sc/4cOtEqKTS9Lu). Please pay attention, after making all the changes above, you need to remove all products from your cart and add it again to clear the cart HTML structure cache.

    11. Header navigation alignment. Header builder main menu element (screenshot https://prnt.sc/Bxm4i2yYD1EV) that you are using has its own alignment options. To change it open the menu element, navigate to the Style tab, and change the menu alignment from center to left (screenshot https://prnt.sc/tNr1TiYKEPbu). Please pay attention to padding-right: 400px; custom code (screenshot https://prnt.sc/0rMnqJxMIx-m) that you already added to the main navigation. It can make some element options not working and create additional issues on mobile devices, so it needs to be removed before making any changes via options.

    12. Header container width. Header content width can be changed by two ways:

    First. You can make it full-width by selecting the corresponding option in the header builder. Navigate to header builder settings (https://prnt.sc/4-Umc-bnV7yT) and enable “Full width header” option (https://prnt.sc/ifCpozz8veml).


    Second. If you want to make your header container width to certain desired value, you need to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings and replace 1600px to your own value:

    .whb-header .whb-row > .container {
    		max-width: 1600px;

    Please pay attention to margin-left: -50px / margin-right: -60px custom code (screenshot https://prnt.sc/g6T5jVWVvRnT) that you already added to the header. It can create additional issues on mobile devices, so it needs to be removed before making any changes listed above.

    13. Hide quantity controls at add to cart button. WooCommerce has it own option that allow to purchase only one item at one’s by hiding quantity selector controls. To enable it open your product settings, open inventory tab, find “Sold individually” option and enable “Limit purchases to 1 item per order” option (screenshot https://prnt.sc/sVBA9TGf4Iro).

    14. Change color of single “product add to cart button”. Our theme has built-in style settings for all main WooCommerce buttons. To change your button’s color and background, navigate to Theme Settings -> Styles and colors -> Buttons -> Advanced button styles. In the first field, find and choose “Single add to cart” (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/Kbh67foLqaNQ) and set the desired idle/hover color and background color.

    Please pay attention you already changed the background of the button via custom code (screenshot https://prnt.sc/9h9UnZTEA5ry). This code will make “Advanced button styles” not work, so it needs to be removed before making any changes listed above.

    15. My account menu translation. “My account” can be translated via Loco translate plugin. Looking at your site, we can see that this menu items is already translated (https://prnt.sc/VGnJfSQFXGp6)

    Kind Regards



    Look, when I touch this photo, it’s closer and the cart and wishlist are on a white square.. make sure that 1 photo doesn’t get enlarged, 2 doesn’t have a white hover on the square in the background
    1) https://prnt.sc/9SF84vG68qnT


    Bogdan Donovan


    1.1 A larger image that you see is the second image (screenshot https://prnt.sc/nHdbwQc7fiGb) uploaded to your product gallery that by default is shown on product hover. The hover image can be disabled by a corresponding option. Try to navigate Theme Settings -> Product archive -> Product styles -> Elements -> Hover image and disable this option. (screenshot https://prnt.sc/Dm1wxTTic_rG).

    1.2 Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to remove product buttons background:

    .product-grid-item.wd-hover-icons .wd-buttons {
    	background-color: transparent;
    	box-shadow: none;

    Kind Regards



    please go to the footer and make sure that in all pages there is an even divider es place is very close to sex and others es place no I don’t understand
    1) https://prnt.sc/nO88WUpmAqU5
    now I’ll send one foot how much you need to make a section between sections

    2) https://prnt.sc/Hlxb35SsKSE-
    and make it so that it is full width



    Please tell me where I can make the icons small


    Bogdan Donovan


    1. Space between the main page content and the footer depends on the following things:

    a. Bottom padding/margin of your last section content (https://prnt.sc/GFLfK3zbNpN5).
    b. Default content margin-bottom which is always is 40px (https://prnt.sc/Kt2Z2McQVWCH).
    c. Appearance of “prefooter area” on your page, which by default adds padding-bottom: 50px (https://prnt.sc/bsecMIb99Okz).
    d. Top padding/margin of your first footer section content (https://prnt.sc/iOJt_XGuDBJO).

    In your case, you need to:

    a. Check all your pages built with Elementor, find the last content sections, and remove all margin-bottom/padding-bottom values to ensure that they are not adding extra bottom space or have negative values (example from your homepage https://prnt.sc/_-xdxIwqeXbr)
    c. Disable prefooter area by deselecting the following empty HTML block (https://prnt.sc/LJpEtvSW_xMl) located in Theme settings -> Footer -> Prefooter- Prefooter content. Or disable prefooter by enabling “Disable prefooter” on each individual page (https://prnt.sc/sfw7BZ1_UJt1) in page metabox section.
    d. Check your footer content first section and reset all margin-top/padding-top values to ensure that they are not adding extra top space or don’t have negative values creating overlap on other page content. (example from your footer https://prnt.sc/tttEJwOBgbxW)

    2. Footer side gap. Your full-width footer has a gap from the left side because you have added a side margin 25px to the full-width element, which creates the gap. Try to navigate to your footer section and remove margin-left/margin-right values shown on the screenshot (https://prnt.sc/p9Mcnc3uhJku)

    3. Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to change the header icons’ font size. You can adjust values to the desired one.

    .whb-main-header .wd-tools-element .wd-tools-icon:before {
    	font-size: 16px;

    Kind Regards



    please tell me why the price filter is not showing
    make it show
    Moish, make the vilgidilla filters look like this



    please fix this code click on the headerot of something accidental


    Bogdan Donovan


    1. Price filter. Your price filter isn’t showing because all your products have the same “50.00 AMD” price. Try to change the price of one of the products and a filter will appear.

    2. Shop widgets collapse. Our theme has a similar option called “Shop sidebar widgets collapse”. Try to navigate to the Theme Settings => Product archive => Widgets => Shop sidebar widgets collapse and select “All widgets”. (Screenshot https://prnt.sc/F66H1efSUt0k)

    3. Main navigation padding issue. As stated in paragraph 11 of this answer (Link https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/cassiel/#post-498305, screenshot https://prnt.sc/dp4nSRdpjX6w) this issue is caused by your custom CSS code that related to the main navigation by adding padding-right: 400px to thе main menu making it flattened (screenshot https://prnt.sc/aLQAXJl1EJRM). To fix this issue, you need to navigate to the Global Custom CSS field in Theme Settings and remove your custom code (screenshot https://prnt.sc/UbK6N8J3dYRo).

    Kind Regards



    we cleared the checkbox so that the attribute would not show up on the product page, but nothing has changed
    1) https://prnt.sc/xmZj6Ulb9v3E

    2) make sure it is removed from the product page but filtering should work
    this should remain here…and not be on the product page




    3) https://prnt.sc/djP9C-qiobXB
    I translated these words but on the Esho website it shows in English, please make sure there are words or translations

    4) https://prnt.sc/lynM5Lrlq-rC
    I can’t find these words either, so I can see again, I pulled out the snare where I found it

    I can’t find these words either, so I can see again, I pulled out the snare where I found it

    6) https://prnt.sc/fK3AyVFw4fU0
    where I can’t find this please send links



    7) https://prnt.sc/unh0HpvzgMCc
    I translated the entry but it’s not there anywhere
    these 2 changes to these words in the photo showed

    8) https://prnt.sc/ixjoBVsKlhRh
    where is the place of these urgently need to be translated



    1. You need to uncheck both options when you are using a variable product. Now I have unchecked both options and it is working fine on your site.

    2. You to add the attributes in the product data section and uncheck the both options:
    https://ibb.co/2vh3fvW. In this case your attribute will be shown in sidebar filters and will not be shown on the single product page.

    3. You can change the Wishlist empty page text from Theme Settings >> Shop >> Wishlist >> https://ibb.co/8z6qPQV

    4. You can translate it from the Loco >> Plugins >> Mailchimp for WordPress translation files:

    5. I think this is coming from any 3rd party plugin’s settings or translation file. This is not coming from the theme or Woocommerce.

    6. I do not understand the language in the screenshot. Please tell me or share the page URL where this text is showing on the site.

    7. These words are already changed on your site: https://ibb.co/7yVBxbf

    8. This is coming from the Woocommerce Translation files, Loco >> Plugins >> Woocommerce Translation file.

    Also, the privacy policy text coming from Woocommerce >> Settings >> Account & Privacy >> https://ibb.co/BtzQVdg

    Best Regards.



    1) https://prnt.sc/cM6pAPXxJsbu
    I will re-avow these words, but there is nothing wrong with me, please re-see

    1 Բաժանորդագրվել մեր նորություններին
    2 Հանել բաժանորդագրությունը մեր նորություններից
    3 Ստանալ պատվերի թարմացումներ

    2) 6. I do not understand the language in the screenshot. Please tell me or share the page URL where this text is showing on the site.
    this is the page..
    6) https://prnt.sc/fK3AyVFw4fU0
    Սխալ. Նշված էլեկտրոնային հասցեով հաշիվ գոյություն ունի:

    3) https://prnt.sc/DB4JfdeN1hvE
    and these are translations please

    4) https://prnt.sc/aro_klC-kIni
    show me where I need it and translate it

    thank you very much in advance



    1. Can you please share the page URL where these words are showing on the frontend?

    2. You can change it from the Loco >> Plugins >> Woocommerce >> Edit the translation file:

    3. You can easily change this text from Theme Settings >> My Account >> Login/Register >> Change the Register Text: https://ibb.co/1LbFPkp

    4. You can easily change it from Woocommerce >> Settings >> Payments >> Edit the Cash on Delivery payment method >> Change the text: https://ibb.co/PckXqVC

    Best Regards.



    1) https://prnt.sc/AZ2lKsJT95cb
    1. Can you please share the page URL where these words are showing on the frontend?

    where can I translate these words, send me the link

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