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categories and products page is no longer displayed correctly

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  • #567335

    Gabriel Golu

    Good evening, I have had the same problem for several months. The categories and products page is no longer displayed correctly. When I am logged in as a user, I see the pages correctly, but when I open the private page with any browser, it is no longer displayed correctly. I corrected the problem by modifying the pages and saving it, but this takes a few days and then the problem reappears.
    The header bar doubles and the footer text disappears.
    I am attaching a print screen. Thank you.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Luke Nielsen


    I would like to request temporary admin access to the website to take a better look at the issue there.

    Looking forward to collaborating with you!

    Kind Regards


    Gabriel Golu

    You have the access data attached in private.


    Luke Nielsen


    Please clear the server cache and then disable all plugins except these ones:

    Elementor or WPBackary
    Woodmart Core
    Enable the Parent theme

    Then activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    Let me know the result.

    Kind Regards


    Gabriel Golu

    Thanks for the answer, I did what you told me to do above but the problem persists. I think it is a technical problem of the theme. How can it be solved?


    Luke Nielsen


    Please, confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, and switching to the parent/default theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable it all back.

    Kind Regards.


    Gabriel Golu

    You have permission. But please don’t spoil more than it is at the moment.


    Luke Nielsen


    I apologize for the delay.

    After deactivating the “LiteSpeed cache” plugin, it started to work well: https://gyazo.com/4aa83a7773c8932505af42a73cd49d1f

    So either adjust the LiteSpeed plugin in such a way that will not affect it or disable that “animation” for the Footer etc.

    let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Kind Regards


    Gabriel Golu



    Luke Nielsen


    You are welcome! In case you need any additional help, I’d be more than happy to assist you.

    Have a good day!

    Kind Regards

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