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Category description for smrt-filters are not displayed

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  • #603384


    Using SEO Product Filter I created a page with a static URL for my filter in the store

    The screenshot shows its settings.

    But the text specified in the filter settings is not shown on the page. Instead, the text from the parent category of the store is shown

    in the category page template I am currently using both the archive description and the additional category description. Only the additional category description is displayed for created smart filters. For subcategories, the description specified in their settings is correctly displayed.

    I understand that you may say that the problem is on the side of the SEO Smart Filter developer, but I have already contacted them and they said that the problem is on the side of the theme

    Please help me figure it out

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    Could you please check how the plugin works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand if it is our theme issue or not?

    Best Regards



    I check with Storefront on test domain – https://www.ventico.digitalmates.win/product-category/rekuperatory/attribute-nahrivach-ye/

    And there it works. Screenshot attached

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    access to test domain in extra



    Try to disable the custom layout for the archive pages. You can do this in Dashboard -> WoodMart -> Layouts.

    Best Regards.



    When I disable layout there displays description but under it displays parent description




    It shows both descriptions.

    If you want to change the description position, Navigate to Theme Settings > Product Archive > Category description position.

    Best Regards



    i don’t want change position
    i want to display only one description – unique for each category, from category settings. How i can do it?

    And why this can’t work in my archive layout?



    You can simply remove the description which you want to disable. When Custom Layouts enabled Archive pages which is why your made changes under the Theme Settings aren’t taking effect on that.

    When you create a custom layout with Elementor it doesn’t contain any default elements and hooks. It contains only those elements that you added with Elementor manually.

    We have a special “Hook” element in Elementor that you can place to your custom layout and then the plugin will be able to add its custom content there. But we don’t know which one exactly it needs. You can either try to select all hooks one by one or contact plugin developers for help.

    Read more information here https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/custom-hooks-and-plugins-compatibility/

    Best Regards

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