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  • #304542


    Issue of Present CDN on my Website


    Artem Temos


    If you have WP Rocket CDN then you should be able to disable it from the plugin settings. Or disable the plugin completely. If you still have the CDN active then you need to contact plugin developers for help.

    Kind Regards



    I am sorry but Wp Rocket does not have that kind of setting and as we have requested you to remove it as we are unable to find any of the other CDN in website and we have given access to you guys it will be 15 min for you and its been 3 days that we are trying to remove them but we are not able to .


    Artem Temos

    But our theme doesn’t have any CDN functionality either. Could you please check how it works with the default WordPress theme?
    Also, if you don’t know which plugin adds CDN service to your website then you can try to disable them one by one and see which one causes this.



    I agree with you that you theme does not provide CDN functionality. but I am stuck with the Wp Rocket and wood mart with of you asking me to contact each other and im stuck what should I do its been three days and im facing loss over my business


    Artem Temos

    OK, have you tried to disable the WP Rocket to see if it affects the CDN on your website now?



    yes we have done it 3 time but we never install any of the other CDN + as you asked for the login to change the search box text and it was not getting changed due to that as per your previous email

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    Artem Temos

    We don’t see any other CDN with ?nowprocket parameter. Here is a screenshot



    This what is very confusing we are not on 1 place any one of us check the screen shot there is 1 pending issue and you have asked for login in which the CND is creating a problem and that is not of WP Rocket
    + my loco translate is not working its not making any changes

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    Artem Temos

    Please, keep these topics separate. You have created this request asking for help to disable some kind of CDN on your website. I’m here to check this but don’t see any other CDN except one that comes with WP Rocket.

    As for the Loco Translate plugin, please, continue the conversation there.

    Thank you



    So you saying there is no CDN apart from WP rocket. And it was just to share the screen shot coz you team member also told us that some CDN which is creating a Problem that’s y I shared the screen shot and you took over that case asking for the login. but we are not getting any reply there to fix that issue.
    For loco let me know what to do. And do not close this topic of CDN till the time I get reply from Wp Rocket


    Artem Temos

    OK, let me know if you have any further questions related to CDN. As for the translation, we will answer your other topic.

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