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Changes made within theme options are being applied on the front tend

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  • #138423



    I’ve tried making changes to the copyrights text section in the woodmart theme options, however the changes were not being applied on the front end. I cleared caches, deactivated plugins etc but it still wouldn’t work.

    I then made the same changes through the customizer instead and it worked?! Even through i had different content in the theme options copyrights text box?

    I prefer making changes through the theme options, so please can you advise as to what the problem may be and a potential solution?



    Artem Temos


    Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us your admin access so we can check it? Also, be sure that you are running the latest version of the theme 4.0.3 and Redux Framework and CMB2 plugins are disabled.

    Thank you in advance

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