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Changing specific elements colors

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  • #313822


    Hi there, i want to be able to change this specific colors (see screenshot attached), right now i cant do it, changing the Primary color will change the prices colors and other elements as well, so either tell me how to change the price and the badges colors, or tell me how to change the elements colors in the screenshot.
    Best regards.



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body .labels-rectangular .onsale { 
    body .wd-hover-standard .wd-add-btn>a {
        background-color: red;
    body .wd-hover-standard .wd-add-btn>a:hover {
        background-color: red;

    Set the colors as per your needs.

    Best Regards



    Hi there, it changed only the sale badge color, still need to change the button “buy now” button, see the screenshot



    Please provide the page URL, I will check and correct the CSS.

    Best Regards



    Ive added the link in the private area



    Please replace this code:

    body .wd-hover-standard .wd-add-btn>a {
        background-color: red;
    body .wd-hover-standard .wd-add-btn>a:hover {
        background-color: red;

    for this one:

    body .wd-hover-quick .wd-add-btn>a {
        color: #FFF;
        background-color: green;

    Set the colors as per your needs.

    Best Regards



    Great its working, last issue :
    I need to center all the elements in the quick view (ive attached a screenshot for that), and i need to make the brand logo a little bit larger (on the quick view + product page as well)
    Best regards.



    Also the quick add to cart in mobile view – the variations is still very small although i did exactly what you said before in other thread (ive attached a screenshot for that)
    Please help.



    We do apologize for the misunderstanding.

    Please add this custom CCS to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global to fix the issue:

    .cat-design-center .wrapp-category {
    	position: relative;
            overflow: hidden;

    This will be fixed in the nearest update.

    Best Regards



    Hi there, added this code and cleared cache, this code didnt change anything

    1. I need to center all the elements in the quick view (ive attached a screenshot for that), and i need to make the brand logo a little bit larger (on the quick view + product page as well)
    Best regards.

    2.Also the quick add to cart in mobile view – the variations is still very small although i did exactly what you said before in other thread (ive attached a screenshot for that)
    Please help.

    I Added already screenshots for both issues in the previous messages in this thread



    Sorry, I have sent the CSS that was for another topic by mistake.

    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    .product-quick-view .wd-scroll-content {
    	text-align: center
    .website-wrapper .product-image-summary .wd-product-brands img {
        max-width: 150px;
    .popup-quick-view .product-quick-view .wd-product-brands img {
        max-width: 100px;
    @media (max-width: 768px){
    	.products .quick-shop-wrapper .swatch-on-single.swatch-with-bg {
    			width: 40px;
    			height: 40px;

    Best Regards

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