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Checkout Page High Conversion Settings Request

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  • #637502


    I have tried using the theme’s built-in checkout page editor, but there are no related widgets.

    Preventing Cart Abandonment

    I want to simplify the checkout page menu, focusing only on the information customers need to fill in and confirm. However, the theme’s menu features don’t seem to offer a way to set this specifically for the checkout page.
    Meeting Payment Requirements
    2. I need to add a relevant statement to the page, specifically setting a footer that will display on the checkout page. I’ve set up the footer, but I don’t know how to make it show only on the checkout page.
    (The statement should be displayed as a pop-up, not as a redirect to another page. The main goal is to reduce cart abandonment.)

    Including Notes, Shipping, and Coupons
    3. I want to prevent customers from leaving the payment page due to missing details like notes, shipping information, or discount codes.

    Integrating Multiple Payment Methods
    4. I want to offer multiple payment options to cover all customer preferences.

    Effective Layout for Conversions
    3/4 of an eye-catching and optimized layout could significantly increase product conversion.
    I’d like to know if this can be achieved.
    If not, I strongly hope that you will consider these features in future updates.
    Thank you.


    Hung Pham

    Hi bzzxzz,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    I kindly recommend you to use Custom Product layout, which is built with WoodMart WooCommerce builder, to rebuild Checkout layout, and combine with HTML Block feature for more information.

    Further, you can read more about the Layout Builder here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/ and

    HTML Blocks https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/html-blocks-usage/

    If you want to enable popup for specific page then with the help of Theme Presets, you can select Post ID from term condition. https://ibb.co/hL2np8t

    Then, go to Theme Settings > General and you can enable promo for that page.

    Check our article about theme preset – https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/


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