I have tried using the theme’s built-in checkout page editor, but there are no related widgets.
Preventing Cart Abandonment
I want to simplify the checkout page menu, focusing only on the information customers need to fill in and confirm. However, the theme’s menu features don’t seem to offer a way to set this specifically for the checkout page.
Meeting Payment Requirements
2. I need to add a relevant statement to the page, specifically setting a footer that will display on the checkout page. I’ve set up the footer, but I don’t know how to make it show only on the checkout page.
(The statement should be displayed as a pop-up, not as a redirect to another page. The main goal is to reduce cart abandonment.)
Including Notes, Shipping, and Coupons
3. I want to prevent customers from leaving the payment page due to missing details like notes, shipping information, or discount codes.
Integrating Multiple Payment Methods
4. I want to offer multiple payment options to cover all customer preferences.
Effective Layout for Conversions
3/4 of an eye-catching and optimized layout could significantly increase product conversion.
I’d like to know if this can be achieved.
If not, I strongly hope that you will consider these features in future updates.
Thank you.