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Color of menu text, Checkout text and columns of forms

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  • #3659



    I have some more questions:

    1. How can i edit the secondary color of menu (i want put yellow):

    2. How can i edit this text? (maybe edit size and colors):

    3. How can i put the forms in two columns:

    I hope your answer, thanks


    Artem Temos


    1. You can change this color across the site in Theme Settings -> Styles & color -> “Primary Color”

    2. Find this text translation in the woocommerce POT file. Here is a video tutorial how you can translate POT files https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAFq1yTfWfU

    3. If you are creating your page with Visual Composer so you will need just to add a row and split it into two columns. Here some useful tutorials about Visual Composer usage https://vc.wpbakery.com/video-academy/add-row-column-visual-composer-wordpress/




    1. Ok, perfect!

    2. Thanks, but my question is about the style of this text and put New Text, for example i want that the text be biggest or other color and i need put more text for explain terms and conditions to my customer

    3. I need the same form is shown in two columns like this:



    Artem Temos

    2. Here is a custom CSS code to change this text properties

    p.woocommerce-thankyou-order-received {
        font-size: 20px!important;
        color: #8a0e0e;
        background: #d6d6d6!important;

    As for its content so are able to change with Loco Translate as shown in the video.

    3. You can import this page in Dummy Content and use its layout for your purpose. After import you will find it in Dashboard -> Pages.

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