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Compare translate and missing icon

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  • #93154


    First, AWESOME, that you have now added this to the theme.

    I have the same problem as another user from yesterday, but I have another ting too, så I created a new post.

    1. I cannot translate “AVAILABILITY”, “WEIGHT” and “DIMENSIONS” – I seem to have tryed ALL places.

    2. Also, I dont get the “Compare” icon on products grids when hoovering, eg. see here on the frontpage: https://www.repower.dk/ This is activated in the menu, and I have marked the “Compare” in CSS generator.

    Please see picture

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    Artem Temos


    Please, provide us your admin access so we can login and check this on your side.

    Thank you in advance.



    Thank you, added in Private


    Artem Temos

    As we can see, all words are already translated. And the compare button is not displayed on the grid because you have modified the compare button PHP function in your child theme. Remove you custom code to make it work.

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