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Compatibility WoodMart and WooCommerce Product Bundles

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  • #592952


    Dear Team,

    we have a problem regarding the compatibility between WoodMart and the WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin.

    In a carousel, where we show products the product is visible available to buy, but on the detail page, due to missing parts in the bundle in the stock it is not available to purchase.

    Why does this not show in the carousels / grids?

    Kind regards
    Nick Bethke
    p. p. fuxteufelsweb GmbH & Co. KG

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    Luke Nielsen


    I would like to request temporary admin access to the website to take a better look at the issue there.

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke,

    please finde the credentials for an admin access below.

    Kind regards and thanks in advance


    Luke Nielsen


    May I check how it works on the default theme?

    Looking forward to collaborating with you!

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke,

    yes you may check it, but on this staging environment: https://rb:[email protected]/

    Credentials should be the same as provided.

    Thanks and kind regards


    Luke Nielsen


    Thank you for the access. In general, it looks like it works in the same way on the default theme, please check this https://take.ms/SbUR3 video. If I misunderstand you, please send me a video of how it should work on the default theme for a better understanding.

    Thank you for your time and patience.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    thanks for your response. It seems you got me wrong.

    The problem is the stock availability that is shown on a product category archive page (not the product page), for example here: https://greensol.de/balkonkraftwerke/

    Products are shown as available although they are not, which will be visible when opening the corresponding product page.

    I hope its clear enough now what the problem is. If not, please let me know.

    Kind regards

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    Luke Nielsen


    Okay, but in the product settings they are defined as “In stock”, here is a video – https://take.ms/r9Vur

    I await your response.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    thanks for your response. Yes, but we don’t want to manually set the bundles to “out of stock” everytimne one component of that bundle is not in stock anymore – that would be too much effort and not manageable. In our former theme that we used (Impreza) the stock availability of a bundled product was automatically set to “out of stock” if one component was missing.

    Kind regards


    Luke Nielsen


    I apologize for the delay.

    Could you please check how it works with the default WooCommerce Storefront theme to understand if it is our theme issue or not?

    Looking froward to hearing back from you!

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    I’m sorry I cannot reproduce it on the Storefront theme entirely because it doesn’t support showing stock labels on the product grid.

    But as you can see on the attached screenshots, the corresponding products are having the class “outofstock” and “insufficientstock” both on Storefront and Woodmart theme.

    So for me it looks like that Woodmart is not working properly for setting the correct stock label on a product grid if the product is of type “product bundle”.

    I would really appreciate if you could fix this issue.

    Thanks in advance and kind regards

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    Luke Nielsen


    I have contacted the developer’s team and they told me that this plugin is incompatible with the theme as the stock functionality does not work with the bundle product and takes its value from the main product.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Kind Regards

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