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Couple of informations

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  • #629418



    1. Image : woodmarty-1

    How to reorder share icons on top of page ?

    2. Image: woodmart-2

    – How to remove Login/register option from menu ?
    – How to remove compare link(Uporedi – serbian translated)
    – Categories tab: How to translated to serbian ? Using loco translate or on specific place ?

    3. Image: woodmart-3

    How to remove account icon from botom bar,and set to be 2 colums,onlu with icon for shop and cart ?

    4. https://pointcorp.rs/kategorije-proizvoda/ (cacak032) – password , this is main categoru page, how to change header image ?

    5. image: woodmart-4

    this is bestslider on homepage,and need to :

    – change gren background
    – change image bestsleers

    Thanks in advance,



    1. If you mean the certain order, there is no option. You can configure them in Theme Settings > Social Profiles.

    2. Navigate to WoodMart -> Header Builder -> remove the “Account” element: https://prnt.sc/_kBTzTo1xmaO

    Could you please share some screenshots where you want the translation? so I can better understand your issue? This will help me guide you more effectively

    3. You can remove the account button in the Theme settings > General > Mobile bottom navbar.

    4. To change the image, Navigate to Products -> Categories -> in the settings of the category itself change the “Image for the category page title” field – https://prnt.sc/9XxzrpwLAmjJ

    5. The best sellers text is added as an image in the slide container background you can edit the container to change it.

    Best Regards



    thanks for time :

    2. Image Woodmart 2-2 + Woodmart 5

    – need to Translate tab Categories on mobile meni
    – In what Header template to change this. Try to find, but no success

    4. It is ok, but have problem to change on page that show all categories , https://pointcorp.rs/kategorije-proizvoda/ (cacak032) – password , so this is a Elementor page, not “category” page.

    5. Yeah,thanks. Also, how to chagne gren color o n main slide container ?

    Thanks a lot,

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    01. Navigate to WoodMart > Header builder > edit default header (highlighted star icon) or you can go through the admin bar directly https://prnt.sc/Ct9ehRDvvDV9.

    Switch to Mobile tab, hover on Mobile menu element, click on Pencil icon and scroll down to Category section > https://prnt.sc/z532Aa-glTHl and change the title tab title.

    02. This is a category page on your site and the categories are showing. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product catalog and change the category page display.

    03. Navigate to Slides > Edit Slide > In the bottom of the slide check the slide settings and change the background color.

    Best Regards



    All si good 🙂

    Please, task #2

    https://pointcorp.rs/kategorije-proizvoda/ (cacak032) – password , need just to change header image on this page




    Also, I have a lot of categories and sub categories on my site,and header image is same for all od them, can I put it only on one place or must set for each category?



    To change the image, Navigate to Products -> Categories -> in the settings of the category itself change the “Image for the category page title” field – https://prnt.sc/9XxzrpwLAmjJ

    Best Regards



    1. Hello,

    To change the image, Navigate to Products -> Categories -> in the settings of the category itself change the “Image for the category page title” field – https://prnt.sc/9XxzrpwLAmjJ

    Best Regards


    Is there option to set image for all category at once ?

    So one image,for all categories in theme…



    Please, task #2

    https://pointcorp.rs/kategorije-proizvoda/ (cacak032) – password , need just to change header image on this page


    how to change this image ?



    Problem solved:)



    Sounds Great! that your issue has been solved.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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