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Critical Error on site

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  • #501282


    A critical wordpress error has been occuring on my site. It happens occasionally, and this is with low traffic so we assume it will occur more with increased traffic. There does not seem to be a direct cause to the issue, so I contacted the hosting company to see if it was PHP memory issue and go the following response:

    “It would seem that the majority of the request the website goes through on each step are from the Woodmart Theme.

    The requests number a few times more than all the other requests combined which explains the memory exhaustion. I have traced the files those requests are for to Woocommerce and Elementor as well.

    In this case, the request are primarily to a handful of files, all related to the Theme. Here they are:


    The requests to these files can be quite a few if there is more traffic on the website but in this case, the values are higher than normal traffic would explain.

    As such, it may be that the Theme is having some issue operating these requests (or perhaps some issue with the files themselves).

    As the Theme has functionality that takes advantage of your Elementor and Woocommerce plugin features, it would be expected to see such files among the culprits.

    Alos othese files may simply have the same functionality as the plugins, but the plugins themselves may not have any part in these request.

    Only the Theme developers may provide concrete information on this, unfortunately.”

    Can you please advise on how this issue can be solved?


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    Sorry, but we don’t quite understand what the error you faced on your website. Can you please provide us with the error screenshot so we can check it?

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    Sure, attached is a screenshot of the error and are some error logs that might also help.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos

    Most of these notices are not related to the theme. And we don’t see any critical errors there. Could you please let us know how can we reproduce the problem on your website?



    Sorry for the unrelated notices. I believe the files first listed are more inline with the cause of the issue.

    I think the best way to reproduce is to browse random items and add some to cart via a mobile. This has reproduced the error me.


    Artem Temos

    We can’t reproduce it on your website now. Please, check the error log in the exact moment when you see this problem on your website. There should be a PHP fatal error.



    Hi barry.osullivan47
    Did you ever find a solution to this issue?
    I am experiencing a similar problem with 503 errors related to normal website traffic that my developer has found is related to infinite Enqueue requests originating within the Woodmart theme https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/503-error-with-infinite-enqueue-requests/.
    We too received the same reply from Xtemos, that they could not see any errors or recreate the issue. If you were able to solve your problem- without having to remove the theme(which is what we are currently considering), I would greatly appreciate any insight. thanks


    Artem Temos

    Hello @TNCadmin

    Errors on this website are different from yours. Please continue the conversation with our support staff if you still have any questions. We would be happy to help.

    Kind Regards

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