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css generate file error

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  • #216966

    hi… ever since the last 2 updates i can not regenerate a css file without it totally messing up everything… so i have not updated 2 of my sites because of this and had to go back and reinstall a back up to fix them…

    not sure why this is happening… i delete the cache on wordpress and chrome.. no change and if i delete the css file all together it brings it back somewhat…

    so i started this new site with the latest version of theme and same issue and often the header and footer colors don’t work… i deactivated all plugins.. no change..

    i tried to use elementor from the begining… no way… that was a mess… so deleted the theme and started over with bakery but still having issues once i generate the css file???

    thank you



    Please and change site URL (HTTPS/HTTP) in the Dashboard > Settings > General

    https://prnt.sc/tviduq It should be https:// .. there.

    Best Regards


    wow i am an idiot i can’t believe it was that simple… thank you


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


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