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Custom header Transparant in Single product page

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  • #568428


    I’ve made a custom header with the header settings in Woodmart. I named it Electronics and applied it for the whole site. I also made the header template for deskop and mobile.

    What I see now is that on some pages the header is transparent, and on some pages the background is clear white (as it should be). I’ve discovered that this is only on the pages that are automatically created by Woocommerce. How can I fix this that the hole site has a clear white background header on mobile?

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    Actually due to the Header Overlap style, it might be happening on the single product pages. Navigate to Theme Settings > Single Product > Configure the Custom single product header.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards.



    Thats set correctly. ( header electronics is the one we use )
    I have shared login. maybe you can have a look ? thanks in advance



    Can you please share the page url where the header is showing transparent. I have checked your site and have not seen a transparent header on your site.

    Best Regards.




    Please deactivate all the 3rd party plugins and activate only theme-required plugins on the site and then check the issue. I am sure your issue will be solved. Then Activate the 3rd party plugins one by one and check which plugin is creating the issue for you.

    Otherwise, if the issue still exists then keep the 3rd party plugins deactivated and let me know I will further check on your site and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    Yith ajax product filter & WpcodeLite were conflicting,, its solved now . thanks.


    Sounds Great! that your issue has been solved.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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