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Defaullt Product layout, how to change FBT products

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  • #566573


    I want to keep the default single product page layout that is set already, but I want to add frequently bought together products above the long description and the long product description, reviews, additional info, and any other sections I want in full width sections one after another instead of tabs. How can I do this?


    Hung Pham

    Hi themassapothecary,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    I kindly recommend you to build Custom Single Product layout, which is built with WoodMart WooCommerce builder, then you can re-order product content positions without using Custom PHP code.

    Further, you can read more about the Layout Builder here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/




    Thank you fir your response. That is not a viable option fir us as there is a lot of other moving parts si to say and when I tried using templates custom built it had other issues when these two are much simpler.

    Can you please help me with moving the position of the FBT products above long description and make all product “tab” sections full with one after another?


    Hung Pham

    Hi themassapothecary,

    HTML structure customization is not covered by our support, unfortunately.

    Please consider using the Woocommerce builder of WoodMart allowing to create custom templates for product pages and other functional pages that are not editable by default.

    Best Regards.



    I can’t use the builder or I would.

    What is the hook that the FBT products section is hooked into? I’ll try to do the snippet myself


    Hung Pham

    Hi themassapothecary,

    Please try to add the code below in the functions.php file in your child theme.

    add_action( 'init', function () {
        remove_action( 'woodmart_after_product_tabs', array( XTS\Modules\Frequently_Bought_Together\Frontend::get_instance(), 'get_bought_together_products' ) );
        add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', array( XTS\Modules\Frequently_Bought_Together\Frontend::get_instance(), 'get_bought_together_products' ), 5 );
    } );




    Thank you very much. This works for the FBT product block and moving above the long description.

    A few other quick questions please.

    1. How do I disable the “Additional info” tab on PDPs?

    2. Sticky add to cart button works correctly on desktop but on mobile (for variable products), when you click it, it doesn’t do anything and the following console error shows –

    stickyAddToCart.min.js?ver=7.5.1:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘top’)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (stickyAddToCart.min.js?ver=7.5.1:1:1085)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:40035)
    at v.handle (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:38006)

    3. For the archives, there is an option to show empty stars when the product has no reviews, but how can I show empty 5 stars and text that says “Be the first to review” like in this example – https://imgur.com/a/sBGmrVG

    4. For shop filters, how do I add a filter to filter by product categories and product tags?


    Hung Pham

    Hi themassapothecary,

    1. Additional information tab

    There are 3 default tabs of WooCommerce:

    + The Additional Information Tab: Shows when the Attributes are added under a Product. If the Attributes are not added then the Additional Information tab doesn’t show.

    + Description Tab: This is the main description on the product page.

    + Reviews: Used to show customers’s reviews.

    2. Please record video and share with me for better understanding.

    3. Sorry but there is no option in Theme Settings available for that. It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    4. Please read documentation article for more details https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/how-to-add-filters-are-in-custom-shop-page/

    Currently, there is no option to filter products by tags from WoodMart theme.




    1. Thank you. I’m aware. How do I disable it completely?

    2. I don’t have access to record a video on my mobile phone at the moment.

    The sticky add to cart button when on variable product pages shows “select options” On the button and upon clicking it, it scrolls back up to the different attribute selections and main add to cart button. On mobile device it diesnt scroll to the main add to cart button and it shows that error in console.



    5. I have all fonts set to system fonts but on some devices thus font is loading – /wp-content/themes/woodmart/fonts/woodmart-font-1-400.woff2?v=7.5.1

    How can I fix it so this font doesn’t load and whatever it’s loading for uses system fonts like I already have everything (I know of) set to?


    Hung Pham

    Hi themassapothecary,

    1. Please read this article https://woocommerce.com/document/editing-product-data-tabs/#section-1

    2. Please provide URL of the mentioned page, so I can take a closer look.

    5. Woff fonts are used to load icons, if you remove it then icons couldn’t load.





    5. Ok thank you.

    6. In woodmart settings I have product per page set to 20 for archives. It shows 20 on mobile but on desktop it only shows 15. Any idea what this could be?



    Hung Pham

    Hi themassapothecary,

    2. You should deactivate all plugins (except Required Plugins) and then reactivate them one by one. This makes it very easy to isolate the plugin causing problems.

    6. To assist you in the best possible manner, I kindly ask that you please provide me temporary wp-admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password) to the Private Content area, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns more efficiently.




    I am working on getting a staging site setup so I can give you access to check.

    7. For social login is there a snippet or something we can use to make it stay on whatever page they login in rather than redirect to account page?

    8. I’m using the default (didn’t make a custom product page) and for the bread crumbs on desktop it shows the last breadcrumb as the page it is on which is the product name but on mobile it doesnt show the product name fir last bread crumb. How can we make it sho the product name on mobile like it does on desktop for last breadcrumb?



    9. I just started to add the frequently bought together products and linking to products.


    There are two products added with the above product fr the FBT section, but the other two products for some reason don’t show the review rating in the product cards even though they each have several reviews. Is there something I need to update or something?


    Luke Nielsen


    7. Sorry, but there is no way to make redirection to another page, it redirects only to my account.

    8. Try to use the code below to show the last breadcrumb on mobile:

    .single-product .woocommerce-breadcrumb .breadcrumb-last {
        display: block;

    9. Please disable all plugins except these ones:

    Elementor or WPBackary
    Woodmart Core
    Enable the Parent theme

    Then activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    Kind Regards



    Thank you.

    8. This works, but it doesn’t show the separator in between 2nd to last breadcrumb and the last one now.

    For example breadcrumb looks like this –

    Home / Delta 8 Products / Delta 8 Edibles / Barney’s Botanicals Strain Specific Delta 8 THC Gummies

    On mobile it only shows –

    Home / Delta 8 Products / Delta 8 Edibles

    On mobile after adding the custom CSS it looks like this –

    Home / Delta 8 Products / Delta 8 EdiblesBarney’s Botanicals Strain Specific Delta 8 THC Gummies

    The product name on mobile view is attached to the 2nd to last breadcrumb showing as one breadcrumb visually. How can we fix it to add the separator ( / ) before the product name so it looks like it does on desktop?



    9. i have disabled everything but elementor, woocommerce, and woodmart. Still doesn’t show the reviews on the FBT wisget.




    8. I figured this out with some extra CSS.

    10. Do you know what could cause the following error – https://imgur.com/HZ6VKzv
    This happens when I try to create a sidebar and edit with elementor.
    I have already disabled all plugins but woocommerce, elementor, and woomart, and the problem persists.


    Luke Nielsen


    9. In this case, please send me access to the admin panel and confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, and switching to the parent/default theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable it all back.

    10. Looks like you are trying to edit the default Shop page template which is not editable. If so, navigate to Dashboard -> Layouts and edit the Product archive page.

    Kind Regards



    10. No. Like I said this is when I try to edit a side bar.

    I am trying to create a sidebar fir product filters for shop page and other archives.

    9. I’ll get staging access for you shortly


    Luke Nielsen


    10. Please clarify where I can find that custom sidebar that you are trying to edit.

    9. Okay.

    Kind Regards



    10. I don’t understand what you don’t understand. I’m sorry.

    Woodmart has several things you can add such as html blocks, layouts, sidebars,etc. All of them can be edited with Elementor.

    I can’t create a sidebar in woodmart to add to my shop page.


    Luke Nielsen


    Navigate to Elementor -> Settings -> General and make sure that the “Sidebar” and “HTML Bloks” are selected there – https://prnt.sc/Dweho4zJWmnf

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards



    I already did that. That is why I am able to get to the elementor editor for html blocks and sidebars. They all work except when I try to create/edit a sidebar.


    Luke Nielsen


    Send me admin access and a link to the sidebar that you are trying to edit.

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke.

    For a lot of our variable products we have multiple variations and some are “enabled” under variation settings so they can’t be bought and they don’t show on the product page.


    This product has a variation named “2ct Bag” that is not enabled. But in the frequently bought together block it allows users to select the 2ct bag variation even though it isn’t enabled. How can we fix it so that variations that aren’t enabled to be purchased aren’t shown in the FBT block?


    Luke Nielsen


    It’s because your swatches are shown via some 3rd party plugin, could you please check how it works without a plugin? If not, clarify which plugin you use for the swatches.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you!

    Kind Regards



    RIght now we are using – https://wordpress.org/plugins/wcboost-variation-swatches/

    Yes, that plugin is causing the issue I have confirmed as well.

    I only need to convert default Woo drop downs for variable products to swatches but I don’t see a way to do that with Woodmart. Kind of disappointing as I really wish I didn’t need another plugin for something so small. I do see with global attributes you can do it with Woodmart, but our products have all custom attributes added on that products edit screen not saved attributes that show in WP Admin -> Products -> Attributes

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