As I have found in some other topics on this forum, I have enabled wp deferred javascript to score higher on GTMetrix. However, my revolution slider is not visible because of that. I can see that on basel demo site revolution slider is visible even though you mention you use the same plugin. Could you please help me?
I have managed to fix Revolution slider and it’s working. However after enabling the plugin Wp Deferred Javascript and adding contact form 7 javascript to defer exceptions it breaks the theme. Filters do not work in shop and the page isn’t full screen. Could you please help me?
I have disabled the plugin now to test something else on site.
We just checked your website and see the following error in the console
It seems to be caused by some of additional JS code added by you or by some of the installed plugins.
This is due to the Enhanced Google Analytics WooCommerce plugin. I use two plugins MonsterInsights for normal analytics code and Ehaanced Woocommerce for Enhanced ecommerce analytics code. The Enhanced Google Analytics WooCommerce plugin has a checkbox to also include normal analytics code – which is optional and I left it unchecked. Because of this it throws that error that analytics code is not provided but it has nothing to do with layout issues on the site when defer is active.