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Design product categories pages link to categories in the header bottom menu?

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    I what to design product categories pages and link them to categories in the header bottom menu. How can i do that. kindly help.



    How can i link product category pages designed with elementor to product categories in the header bottom menu? kindly help



    Add the Product Categories in the Menu. Try to create a menu from Appearance > Menu and add the categories. Then, Navigate to WoodMart > Header Builder > Edit Current Header > Configure categories settings and choose the menu. If you want to use your own link try to add a custom link in the menu items and add your own url.

    Best Regards.



    That way it works but .i am facing two major problems
    01.The categories images in the header menu are too large.(i used menu image plugin to load images on the category menu)
    02.The categories are not scrollable and on mobile looks messed up.
    note :If i use the carousal widget, how can i design the category pages?? .Because under carousal widget i have categories with right size of images i want and its scrollable on both desktop and mobile



    It works when i use custom link ,but I am facing two major problems
    01.The categories images in the header menu are too large.(i used menu image plugin to load images on the category menu)
    02.The categories are not scrollable and on mobile looks messed up.
    note :If i use the carousal widget, how can i design the category pages?? .Because under carousal widget i have categories with right size of images i want and its scrollable on both desktop and mobile



    01. Navigate to Products > Categories > Edit category and upload the Image for header menu.

    02. scrolling can be achieved only by applying the overflow property, which is cutting off any content outside the initial element. Unfortunately, it does not have other solutions. In that case, you have to choose between scrolling and dropdowns. As an alternative solution, we recommend you reorganize your categories using parent categories and mega menu dropdowns, which take less vertical space and scrolling will not be needed.

    Best Regards



    How about styling categories is it possible ?



    I have managed to create with custom links, on laptop its perfect, on mobile and tablet only alignment is the problem. kindly help me with mobile & tablet CSS code that will help to align categories (custom links ) in the bottom header menu horizontally.



    Please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards



    Site WP-ADMIN Login details



    You have missed the admin login URL. Can you please share the WP admin login URL in the private area so I will check and give you a possible solution?

    Best Regards.



    My Site WP-ADMIN Login details



    My Site WP-ADMIN Login details



    Can you please share the WP admin login URL in the private area so I will check and give you a possible solution?

    Best Regards.



    Site WP-ADMIN Login details



    Try to use the mobile menu widget in the mobile header and configure the menu.

    Please follow this guide and add the mobile menu.

    Best Regards



    I understand about mobile menu sibebar. But want i really want is to put my custom links horizontally and scrollable in the header bottom of the mobile menu. If you can check my site on elementor mobile there my custom links have made two lines. i just want one single line and scrollable. kindly help



    how can i set categories has a button in the mobile sidebar to open all my categories?



    You can add the product categories widget in the top of the home page for mobile only and set the layout carousel.

    Navigate to WoodMart > Header builder > edit default header (highlighted star icon) or you can go through the admin bar directly https://prnt.sc/Ct9ehRDvvDV9.

    Switch to Mobile tab, add the mobile menu element and enable the option “Show Categories”

    Best Regards



    01.I have failed to create categories layout carousel for mobile .kindly help
    02.How can i create all categories page like in the attached picture?

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    In the other thread I have responded to the same issue.
    Please check this topic:

    Best Regards



    Thanks I have managed.


    Most Welcome!!!.

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    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

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    Best Regards.

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