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Desperate help to set up shop sidebar price/attribute filters (Aizaz please :)

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    Please please could you kindly help me? I’ve been trying for several hours and many days to try and set up the sidebar filter like the demo (as a new layout to test).

    I imported it from the layouts and just can’t get it to work properly.

    I’m trying to achieve this: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/shop/?opt=no_page_heading

    I looked at the documentation but it doesn’t help much regarding the layered nav as I can’t get things to work properly for all attributes.

    I’ve looked at both these and can’t seem to get it to function properly.

    I don’t use brands or color swatches but would ideally like all author/format etc attributes to be filterable with the off-canvas (hide on desktops) button, am a bit desperate now as I need to go live in a few days and found out the horizontal filter takes up too much space on mobiles and the off-canvas button works better and I’ve spent so many hours/days in vain trying to set it up and am getting nowhere.

    Would you please please be so kind enough to help me set up this as a new layout to see if it works better than the horizontal one? I can’t get any attributes or the price slider to show whether I choose the generic widget or the Woodmart layered nav widget and it seems filters and sidebars are enabled in the Theme settings.

    I’ve included my WP details below and called the layout AIZAZ. Please feel free to delete it if it’s totally set up wrong and create another. I don’t understand why a couple of things show up, but nothing else…

    Thank you so so so kindly in advance for your help!

    -Desperate & stressed before going live.



    So do you want to set the off-canvas sidebar with the filters on the shop and category pages only for mobile and tables? And show the normal sidebar on the shop page for the desktop?

    Also, your given admin URL is not working and redirects me to the homepage. Please share the correct WP admin login URL.

    Best Regards.



    Yes, please, thank you so much, the normal sidebar for desktop and the button for mobiles and tablets.
    Could you kindly try the admin details again? I’ve checked in Firefox and Chrome (had it out of maintenance mode to check the performance/page speeds) stress at the last stage. I’ve put in again below. There are some things being done in the background, but I hope it will be ok to log in.

    Thank you so so much.



    I have created the new layout and set the same as per your requirements, like this demo page:

    Please check the private content for the layout URL that I have created. Now you can see the shop and categories pages as well.

    Best Regards.



    Sorry for the super late reply – thank you so much for your help to set this up.


    Most Welcome!!!.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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