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Different Category Attributes

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  • #582235


    I am using MegaElectronics pre-built site.
    I want to have different category Filter attributes for each category. How do I achieve that? 1. How do I update the Filter attributes I want to show for a specific category? And then how do I link that to the category?
    Example- if I am in Smartphones category, I want the Filters to show Smartphones specific filters (screensize, brand, storage size etc). And then if I am in Fridge category, I want to show Fridge specific filters (number of doors, volume in litres scale etc).
    How do I do that?



    By the way I am aware of this response (to make presets https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/), but this is not sufficient. This creates plenty which is confusing and does not help implement it to the end state. So please provide a step by step information on how to set unique filters for each category. Thank you.



    Use the WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav Widget, there is an option available named as Show on Category > in that you can select your choice of Category and the Filter will then show on that specific Category page: https://snipboard.io/cKGYJa.jpg

    Best Regards.



    Okay I am not able to see the change in the frontend however. I have an attribute called Watch which I am trying to show in Shop Filters just for Smartphones (see Layered Nav screen shot). But it is not showing in the frontend. Also I have these errors showing up on the backend (in the Widgets section of WP adminpanel)- see pink errors screenshot.

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    Try to install the Classic Widgets plugin to fix this problem

    Best Regards.



    Done it, I see the old lool/feel, but the problem isn’t solved yet. I still don’t see a ‘Filter by Watch’ category (named for testing) on smartphones: https://makerdepo.com/?product_cat=smartphones



    You can use the WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav Widget and choose the specific category where you want to show.

    If the issue remains, can you please tell me which attribute filter you want to add in the smartphones category. Also share the wp logins details so i will further check on your site and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    1. “If the issue remains, can you please tell me which attribute filter you want to add in the smartphones category”
    – Have an attribute “Shape” which isn’t showing up in the frontend (see screenshot).

    2. “Also share the wp logins details so i will further check on your site and give you a possible solution.”
    – Shared privately

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    You have not configured the Watch attributes in the Smartphones category products. Now I have added the watch attribute value into one product and it is showing fine. Check back your site and check the issue.

    Please follow this guide how it works:

    Best Regards.



    I somewhat follow. But I need a bit more hand holding.

    I have updated to a new theme (simpler one- furniture 2). Now what I understand is that attribute is about having different options for the same product (say a smartphone: same smartphone will have a smaller memory, and bigger and so on).

    The product I will sell will also need to be filtered by attribute. Example- dining tables and shapes. There would be rectangle, square, round & oval. I want to show that filter when someone opens the Tables category. Right now when I followed your steps, I have a product in Tables with an attribute (shape = oval). And then the filter on the shop only showed Oval as an option. Then I added an attribute to another table with shape = rectangle. But the filter on shop page (https://makerdepo.com/?product_cat=tables) still shows on Oval.

    Could you just type out the sequence of things I need to do (does not need to tell me exactly how to add an attribute or add a Layered Wocommerce on in Widget, that I know). What is confusing the sequence, like when do I first add an attribute, then which product in the category do I add the attribute (any product??) and then do I go add the LayeredWidget. Just make it simple for me, so I can brief my team on how to simply scale this.



    Try to regenerate “Regenerate the product attributes lookup table” in Woocommerce > Status > Tools: https://take.ms/LGpvf

    In addition, please check Woocommerce > Settings > Product tab > Advanced tab and disable Use the product attributes lookup table for catalog filtering.

    Best Regards.



    did as you instructed but still getting the same result, only one shape showing in the Filter by Shape.

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    Please deactivate all the 3rd party plugins and activate only theme-required plugins on the site and then check the issue. I am sure your issue will be solved. Then Activate the 3rd party plugins one by one and check which plugin is creating the issue for you.

    Otherwise, if the issue still exists then keep the 3rd party plugins deactivated and share the WP admin login details of your site so I will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    Sorry I tried it, but still doesn’t work. Please take over.



    One more question- I see a pop up on the homepage using the theme furniture 2. How do I get rid of that pop up? Thank you



    Attaching the screenshot of the pop up I am referring to in the above post.

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    One more request- how do I remove/disable this Language (English)?

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    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Yes I shared login details, please see #587769.
    Wait I will type them again-



    These login details are not working for me:


    Best Regards.



    Strange, it works at my end. Please just copy FULLY AS IS (do not drop @domainname etc) from and paste username/login here:



    1. The filters are not showing because you have not assigned the products to the attributes you have created: https://ibb.co/0rBh6Cy

    Only one attribute has a product so it is showing fine in the filters.

    2. You can disable the popup from Theme Settings >> General >> Promo Popup >> Disable it: https://ibb.co/GdFLvct

    3. I have disabled the language swticher, it was coming from the Translatepress plugin settings: https://ibb.co/d0CPZfC

    Best Regards.



    Thank you for your amazing help.

    As I proceed, more help needed with cosmetic/bugs:

    1. How do I hide the bottom footer (See screenshot attached)?
    2. When I place an order, I used to get an Order notification email to my admin email. It has just now stopped working, could you help look into it? It was working fine before, but test orders today aren’t being received in my inbox (although they are showing in the Orders under Woocommerce).
    3. When I click “Clear Filter” on a category page (say I am in Dining Table category and have a few items shortlisted with Filters. When I click “Clear Filters”, instead of clearing filters, it takes me back out to the main homepage. Please help rectify.
    4. When I fill the form in Contact Us, where does that go? I am not receiving any email either. Kindly help setup the thing and share where to view submissions (as well trigger an email notification to my admin email).

    Thank you in advance!

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    1. Please Navigate to the Theme Settings >> Footer >> Copyrights >> Disable the Copyrights.

    2. This is not the theme issue. Please check how it works with the default WordPress theme and Woocommerce Storefront theme just to check whether the issue is with our theme or not. Also, please check the site with our theme but only with the theme default plugins activate, and deactivate all the 3rd party plugins from the site.

    If it works fine with the default WordPress theme then provide the admin panel login details of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    3. Your issue has been solved. I have updated the theme and plugins to the latest version, now the issue has been solved.

    4. The email sent to the account which you have set for the contact form email settings: https://ibb.co/DK5kG9R

    Best Regards.



    Thank you for your help, #1 & #3 sorted.

    On #2- it was working fine before but recently it stopped working. Would it have something to do with us trying to get Filters working (when we deactivated & activated plugins)?

    On #4, it says the email goes to [_site_admin_email], but on this I have never received anything (i.e. it never worked).
    Kindly help. Login into in private content:



    The issue is from the mail server. Please ask the hosting provider support to check this issue, why the email is not sent to your email. There is no issue from the theme or site.

    Best Regards.



    1. Okay I am getting it investigated via the mail server, but is that the domain host?
    2. One urgent help needed, on my Product Page, the Product Description section isn’t showing for my new uploads for some reason, could you help?

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    Missed the screenshot of my new uploaded product (where the Product Description section isn’t showing on the frontend)

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    1. Please ask the hosting provider support, yes the domain host.

    2. I have found that you have only added the Product Short Description section in the custom layout of the single product page while you have added the normal description for that new product so that is why it is not showing on the frontend: https://ibb.co/XjZBkh9


    Best Regards.



    1. Could you help fix it? As in have the Product Description (in the exact place as Product Short Description right now)?

    2. A side question- a lot of the listings on my site will have only 1 photo, and a few maybe 2 or 3. Right now the photo showing setting shows a grid of 4, and since there is only photo loaded, it looks all empty. Is there a photo grid layout where the main picture is shown the biggest/prominently and then if there are more photos for the product, the user can browse those one by one? Here is what it looks like currently (see private):

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