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Different header on shop page/product page/other pages

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  • #639188


    I would like a header like this demo: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/kids/.

    So a transparent header and a sticky header (on scroll) on the home page. On the other pages (like the shop page/product page/other pages) I want a different header. One that is not transparent. Do you get it? How can I do that? I know how to edit headers but not how to set up different headers for different pages.



    Try using the custom header on your site, Woodmart theme provides the option to create different headers for different pages: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/how-to-set-different-header-for-specific-page/

    You can add the custom header for a separate page or add it specially for the shop page https://temos.com/docs-topic/options-for-pages/

    Best Regards,



    Thankyou! I have another question. I don’t want a summary to be shown on hover, on archive page. I just want the product picture, product title and product price. No variations, summary or anything. Is there any custom css or something to fix this? Or anthor way? One of the other product views, like “quick” or is not the solution because it shows variations. I added some screenshots 🙂



    Navigate to Theme Settings > Product Archive > Product Styles > disable the “show summary on hover” product style if you completely remove the hover content.

    Or “in the Hover content in the Theme Settings > Product Archives > Product Styles > Choose “None”

    To disable the variations in grid products, Navigate to Theme Settings -> Shop -> Variable products and disable the attribute to the “Grid swatch attribute to display” field: https://prnt.sc/jVxH52JZb9xD

    Best Regards,

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