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Different Product Archive Styles on Desktop and Mobile | Changing Cart into Bag

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  • #464671


    Hello Thank you for this wonderful theme

    1- In product archive, is it possible to choose a certain Product Archive style for desktop and another style for mobile?

    2- Also, In product archive, is it possible to make the product shape as square as on desktop and rectangle on mobile?

    3- In product page, is it possible to hide the main product image? When using [Bottom (2 columns)] Thumbnails position, It looks hug above the 2 column grid of the gallery images.

    4- I want to change the term [Cart] into [Bag] across the shop, is it possible without a plugin? If not, what is the most compatible and fastest plugin you recommend for this purpose?

    5- I want to change the term [Related Products] into [You may also like] what is the best way to do it?

    Thanks in advance, Ben.



    01. you can try to achieve that change by using the Theme Settings Preset feature of the Theme.
    You can read more about it here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/

    02. Sorry to say but right now there is no option in Theme Settings available to achieve that. It requires Customization and this is beyond our limitations and support policy scope.

    03. By default the main product image is displayed to the product grids on the shop page and other pages. The Images added to the product are WooCommerce functionality and our theme doesn’t influence this.
    In this case you can set the product page thumbnails layout from Theme Settings >> Product Page> Images.
    You can choose your own style.

    04. Please use the Loco translate plugin on your site.
    For more information please read the theme documentation here:

    05. In order to display “You may also like..” you need to enter a product editing mode and add products into Upsells of Linked product tabs as shown: http://prntscr.com/j5tv88
    You will find more information here: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/related-products-up-sells-and-cross-sells/

    Best Regards.

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