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Different size productimages and other issues
- This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 9 months ago by
Luke Nielsen.
May 16, 2023 at 9:48 am #467231
I found some issues after i download the productfile from two supplies.
Here is the issues:1. From supplier Scala all the images have a same size:
https://www.sexoteksverige.se/kategori/scala-2/2. From supplier Orion all the images have a different sizes:
https://www.sexoteksverige.se/kategori/orion-2/3. On the link below you can see how the different sizes look on the two different product files from Scala and Orion. Scala images are the same size, but Orion images are displayed in different sizes:
4. On the link below if you put the mouse between productimage and producttittle the image shakes. I think the pictures and the lines under the pictures are very tight. Try the second product for example “Red Sling” Cock RIng”. I think the problem appear on on the products from Orion productfile.
Link: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/kategori/orion-2/5. On the link below if you put the mouse over the first productimage “Crystal Duo” Double” the second image appear in different bigger size. That do that most on productimages from productfile Orion. I have already another webshop with both productfile from Orion and Scala and all images is shown sama size?
Link: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/shop/
Link: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/kategori/orion-2/6. On the product pages, the main product image is displayed ( looking on Desktop)and the extra images in large size and extra images go way too far down on the left. Looking same link with mobile device so the extra images is to far below main productimage.
Link: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/produkt/crystal-duo-double-dong/7. Meny productpages missing a lot of the page’s content. See one example below.
Link: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/produkt/nipple-clamps-c3/8. Looking the link below with mobile devise on the left and right side of the product images, the arrows are missing which make it possible to see the other product images without having to click and get to the product page. Compare with your website and my website:
Link to Woodmart: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/mega-electronics/
Link to my website: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/9. After we have downloaded the product files with all the information, the product pages lack the option to select Size, Color, amount and other attributes. On Woodmart you can also see the different Colors without to click to go to the productpasge.
Link to a product page where the product contains different sizes. It is impossible to select the size and add it to the shopping cart: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/produkt/baby-doll-ring-s/
Link to a product page where the product contains different amount. It is impossible to select the amount and add it to the shopping cart: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/produkt/analyse-me-comfort-glide-30ml/
Link to a product page where the product contains differentcolors. It is impossible to select the color and add it to the shopping cart: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/produkt/3-speed-bullet/
10. And last. Click on the “Shop there you can see all products on the Filter is not shown Brands from Orion and Scala, not all Colors, specially nothing from Orion productfile, and not all sizes. Specially none from Orion productfile.
Link: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/shop/I hope you can help me. I need to start the site as soon as possible. I thank you for the previous quick replies. I am very satisfied with your support.
Regards Akis
May 16, 2023 at 1:23 pm #467309
I forgot the link for issue nr 3.
3. On the link below you can see how the different sizes look on the two different product files from Scala and Orion. Scala images are the same size, but Orion images are displayed in different sizes:
https://www.sexoteksverige.se/shop/May 17, 2023 at 10:01 am #467569
Aizaz Imtiaz AwanKeymasterHello,
Please update the new version of theme “WOODMART WORDPRESS NEW: 7..2.4RELEASED” and update the required plugin and check the issue.
https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/update-the-theme/ Basically the product images are controlled by woocommerce and our theme doesn’t influence this. WooCommerce Allows some settings that you can find under Appearance >> Customize >> WooCommerce >> Product Images.
Your images differ in size considerably. The only way to make the view awesome is to upload images of the same size and proportion.
Please check this manual: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/image-size-content-alignment-product-grid/4. So please deactivate all plugins and then activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.
06. The best way is to upload images of the same height as well as the same proportion.
09. Please check this Manual:
https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/variable-products-and-swatches/10. The Shop filters can be adjusted via Appearance – >Widgets -> Shop filters widget area.
https://monosnap.com/file/xSnuXniKCGksAJ7tDJslEIEtm9DxJ8Best Regards.
May 27, 2023 at 9:18 am #470409
I have fixed some issues but a couple of issues remain.
1. The product images continue to be in different sizes and this creates problems. The main image is the correct size but the other images are displayed in different sizes. This error causes the extra images to end up way down. How can you set all images to be the same size? See example below how different is the size for all productimages. On the mobile device it looks very bad. Also on the desktop and tablets.
Link: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/produkt/body-chains-s-2/
2. If you visit the link below, you will see several subcategories. If you click on one of the subcategories and then click to “back” the subcategories will be frozen. It is impossible to move to left or right so you can see all subcetories.
Link: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/kategori/fetish-bondage/3. On the product pages, I think the “Reviews” takes up a lot of space. You need to scroll down very far down to see the rest of the content such as Related products and other content. Is there a way where Reviews “Open” when the visitor wants? How can i do so its short? On the mobile device it need to scroll down very much.
Link: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/produkt/toko-aroma-litchee-165-ml/
4. How can I set the images on the link below to have the same height?
Link: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/kategori/fetish-bondage/
5. In the link below, if you scroll to the bottom to “When viewed, the images are blurry and large. You can’t see the whole image. It’s zoomed in. How can I fix it?
Link: https://www.sexoteksverige.se/kategori/sexleksaker/
6. Är det möjligt att istället för Sticky skapa normal vänster menu? So when you hover the mouse over the main categories, the subcategories open?
If you need to help me you have FTP or Admin details below.
Regards Akis
May 27, 2023 at 10:42 am #470424
akiskyprianouParticipantHi again,
I asked earlier how to get the arrows to the right and left of the main images that show all images when visiting the website with a mobile device.
At your Woodmart Mega Electronics, you have Sticky in all the main categories. How do I create Sticky on all categories? And some Sticky have 3 categories and some have 4. How do I create multiple categories?
Thank you.
May 29, 2023 at 5:20 pm #470838
Luke NielsenKeymasterHello,
1. Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand if is it our theme issue or not?
2. Please send me a video for a better understanding.
3. The product page is built by using Layouts (Dashboard -> Layouts) therefore you can edit it in your page builder and change the reviews: https://take.ms/Ui4Lu , e.g show it via Product tabs element: https://take.ms/u1Xrw
4. The best way is to upload them with the same height by default. In general, you can try to regenerate your images through the “Regenerate Thumbnails” plugin for cropping images (more detail in the below article).
5. You need to upload bigger images because right now they are very small: https://take.ms/7iqAV , thus the quality of the image is very bad.
6. Do you mean the same behavior as on the main Wodmart theme ? https://take.ms/bLqro
Kind Regards
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