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Dummy Content Import Not Installed Properly

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  • #213390

    Chandan Logunjeet

    I installed the theme and dummy content, but it’s not like what it was in the demo
    And it shows text in the homepage.
    I have attached screenshots of my website

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    Artem Temos


    Could you please reset the database and reinstall the WordPress completely? Provide us your admin access so we can try to run the import ourselves and check why it doesn’t work.

    Kind Regards


    Chandan Logunjeet

    Hey sharing u the details.
    Please help me by importing the content


    Artem Temos

    Please reset the database and reinstall the WordPress completely. And send us your FTP access as well.


    Chandan Logunjeet

    Please find the details here


    Artem Temos

    We found the problem and it is because of the latest Elementor update. Try to edit the file wp-content\plugins\woodmart-core\importer\wordpress-importer.php and replace the following code

    if ( '_elementor_data' === $key ) {
    	$wp_importer = get_plugins( '/wordpress-importer' );
    	if ( $wp_importer ) {
    		$wp_importer_version = $wp_importer['wordpress-importer.php']['Version'];
    		if ( $wp_importer_version && version_compare( $wp_importer_version, '0.7', '>=' ) ) {
    			add_post_meta( $post_id, wp_slash( $key ), wp_slash_strings_only( $value ) );
    		} else {
    			add_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $value );
    	} else {
    		add_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $value );
    } else {
    	add_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $value );

    with this one

    if ( '_elementor_data' === $key ) {
    	$value = wp_slash_strings_only( $value );
    add_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $value );

    Then try to import our dummy content again.


    Chandan Logunjeet

    Unable to locate the program

    Kindly share the serial no. Present at the left side

    Thank you


    Artem Temos

    We have released a new version with the fix. You don’t need to change anything in the current theme files. So now you just need to reinstall everything from scratch (including WordPress) and run the import again. It should work correctly.


    Chandan Logunjeet

    Can you guide me by mentioning step wise procedures to do this ?


    Artem Temos

    Firstly, you need to clear your database completely using your server control panel. Then, install the WordPress as you did it already and follow our documentation guide on how to install our theme import the dummy content. But be sure that you have downloaded the latest version of our theme 5.0.3 and removed the old one. Don’t forget to update all required plugins also. You can do this in Appearance -> Install plugins. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/installation-process/

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