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Dynamic Pricing Discount per Role doesn't show % discount

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  • #37409


    Hello, I am using Dynamic Pricing and activated Discunt per User Role so that I will show to my clients a different price than the guests.

    The prices already have a 5% discount and when they log in they get a 15% discount, which in total will be 20% discount.

    The problem is that when I am logging like a client, the % sign remains at 5% instead of 20%

    Can you help me with that?


    Artem Temos


    It seems that this problem comes with the extra plugin you are using and it is not related to our theme. Could you please check how it works with default WordPress theme?




    Default theme doesn’t show how much % discount I have.

    Just your theme.
    Can we fix this bug?


    Artem Temos

    The problem is that this function works with WooCommerce sale price only. Unfortunately, we can’t change this functionality. You can disable this function completely in Theme Settings -> Shop -> Product labels and show default sale badge instead.




    The problem is with the plugin. If you look at their support stuff, you’ll see that discounts are ONLY shown in the cart. The plugin Customer Specific Pricing will not have the same issue. There were a few kinks when I got it, but most if not all have been resolved.



    Yes, but I don’t wish to pay again for another plugin.
    Thanks btw


    Artem Temos

    As we said, we are not able to change this functionality and it works with default WooCommerce sale price and you can simply disable it.

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