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Error with the woodmart slide

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  • #500651


    On my website developed under the Woodmart template, I have used the slide that the template comes with by default. However, it generates an error where the first slide loads correctly, but the second slide does not display, a blank image appears.

    I have noticed that this is automatically corrected when you open the browser console by pressing F12.

    Could you help me correct this error?

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    Luke Nielsen


    Could you please adjust the slider as per our documentation: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/how-to-add-slides-to-the-slider/

    Then recheck the issue.

    Kind Regards



    I have done everything the documentation says and it still doesn’t work.


    Luke Nielsen


    The image for the Slider is defined in the wrong area, it should be here: https://prnt.sc/xsE3rg33uMtk , so after defining images in the right area, the slider started to work well: https://gyazo.com/c73d2967acbdd1c39154978c54e7d7c7

    The height of the slider can be adjusted via its settings, Dashboard -> Slides -> Sliders -> Home (in your case): https://prnt.sc/eU2ZcFoaY0ec

    So, please read the documentation again and let me know if you need some help.

    Kind Regards

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