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Few issues in Theme – Needs Attention – Solutions expected

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  • #346502


    Hello Luke,

    I come across few issues that requires your kind attention. Would appreciate, if you could please take a look on these and help to resolve.

    1. The quick view-wishlist-compare (QV-W-C) icons on Archive pages are not Size-responsive.
    Means, the size of each QV-W-C icon that is occupying in 3×3 grid on Shop page, is the same for 4×4 Grid, as well as 5×5 grid too. As can be seen from below Video-


    Practically and being completely responsive, the size and width of those icons should also gets squeezed according to the number of Grid chosen at backend or frontend.
    If theme is completely responsive, then the size of these icons have to be adapted accordingly too.
    Just like the overall size and width QV-W-C icons is getting squeezed when viewed in actual Mobile devices. Otherwise that would have looked terribly bad (if size do not gets adjusted even in mobiles)

    Due to this, the viewable area of the product images becomes lesser due to those icons occupying larger area in Grid.

    1.b. Similarly, when we create a Woodmart Element (Product Grid Carousel) and enable 5-6 products at a time, then the viewable areas shows even smaller than that, and is largely occupied by those QV-W-C icons.
    Should not the overall size of those icons be adjusted accordingly.

    2. Similarly, the Labels (Sold out, New, custom), should also be adjusted according to Grid value size or number of products to display according to Element.
    2.b. And similarly “Add to Cart” button.

    3. The appearance and situation becomes even worse when we enable the Countdown timer (CT) in the Archive pages.
    The moment we set the Grid value (from theme options upto 5×5 and click to enable just the 4×4 size, then also, the CT wraps down to the next line.

    Due to this, the length or height of whole Grid gets adjusted accordingly, leaving a HUGE blank or empty area below the product that don’t have Sale prices with CT
    For this reason, this looks very Odd and not at all professional too. Shown in below video

    Hence, the CTimer needs to be size-responsive too, in a similar way. As with 5×5 grid chosen, this becomes even worse.

    3.b. similarly, if we choose Woodmart Element (Product Grid Carousel), and selects 6 products at a time, then that did not looks good at all. Please try to create a slider or grid using Element with 5 and 6+ products at a time, with CTimer enabled. You will find how Odd it looks.
    This way it is breaking the whole layout and appearance.

    Possible Solution:: Apart from making it size-responsive, further adjustments can be made, to make it cleaner and easier, as below.
    The size of outer-container (that is box for Days, Hours, Min, Sec), can be reduced somewhat, for each block. As well as the padding and margins (outside-inside,, space gapping)
    Including size-responsive or size-adjustment further, in order to accommodate within the same width as it is used to display each single product inside the grid. And so as not to wrap it down along the second line.

    Would highly appreciate, if you could please seriously take a look yourself and forward this to the Dev team, in order to get these resolved.
    This will make the Theme even better with much appealing appearance and one can have reasonable experience of ours as well as for our own customers and visitors.


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by harshwe.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    I am forwarding this to our development department for consideration. We appreciate you taking the time to let us know what you’re looking for.

    If you still have further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d be happy to talk through them with you.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    I hope you have really gone through each point properly mentioned in my previous post and have forwarded to the dev team too. I wish they will surely consider something and sooner.
    Below is one another reason and solution for 3rd point. Followed by other issues.

    3.3b, Below could be one of the better solution and appealing too, for the Countdown Timer (CT)

    The timer can be displayed directly on the image (at bottom) in Grid and Archive pages. With transparency, the image behind CT, can be seen too. And On Mouse-Hover, that CT should get replaced with the “Add to Cart” or “View details” button, as usual. The same can be seen from that video too.
    This will even resolve the problem, when the CT is wrapping down in the Woodmart Theme, when used with 4×4 or 5×5 or more Grid value. Even with Product Carousel element.

    As the CT in above video (other theme), is getting adjusted according to image size and will retain size-responsiveness across the theme. Which can be accomplished and work in Woodmart also.

    But unfortunately in Woodmart, please see how the CT is wrapping down even further with variable widths. And leaving huge empty space in the Grid for other products (which do not have CT). As can be seen here-

    PS: With this issue and reason, we could not ENABLE the CT it in Archive pages and with Elements.

    Option Presets
    4. Options Presets is a Nice feature, however there are few issues while using it. Below are few points and requests, that you may find genuine.

    4.a. As this has been placed at extreme right side (like sidebar), the width of each of the 3 columns is very less. Hence, it becomes too hard to find and select the correct Post ID, Term ID, Taxanomy or anything else from the 3rd column (last one after =, not equals)

    And when someone have more-and-more pages, categories or products, it will become nearly impossible to do that with just an Inch-of-a-width. Specially with long Titles of posts, pages. One has to keep scroll down, that too way attentively and slowly. Practically with just one single-scroll (even with single mouse click at bottom of the scroll bar), it scrolls too many results at a time.
    And the content in 3rd column is NOT readable too (with very less space). Really it feels too much frustrating to use this nice feature, even once. Overall very clumsy space.

    Please see here – https://i2.paste.pics/FPQWO.png

    Please see below video

    4.b. In addition to that, If someone tries to search by ID, it is not showing results at all. Infact, as shown in the video, it throws incorrect results too.
    I tried by using Post ID and Term ID both, and searching by actual ID, did not worked.
    How can one remember and by what way, that what is to edit and how to search. How can one actually understand.

    b.ii). Also, in below scenario-

    Alternative or possible Solution and Enhancements

    As already explained and shown in one of the above screenshot-

    4.c. If an option to mark Presets as Favourites (with star icon) could be added, then that would be helpful. So that from a long list of presets, one can easily identify (ofcourse with some filter too) and can use and edit it further by relocating it easily.

    4.d. Also, a Drag-and-drop feature for Presets. That way, one can put the Most-used or important ones at the very Top. And can arrange others according to their needs. Otherwise, what is currently happening, is the moment we create a New preset, it jumps to the very-bottom of the existing presets list. And we have to keep scrolling Till-end of the existing list, just to find out own or desire Preset, for further edit or for a look.
    This is really cumbersome.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    Thank you for the clarification. Our team will surely take these into consideration.

    If you have other concerns or additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    Please disregard this and see below next message.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by harshwe.


    Hello Luke,

    Please disregard this and see below next message.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by harshwe.


    Hello Luke,

    4. I hope you have really gone through the 4th point also (regarding Option Presets), and have forwarded to the dev team too. I wish they will surely consider something and sooner. This will really ease a lot, to work with it. And customers will take interest to use it too.


    In addition to that, If someone tries to search by ID…

    Can you please suggest on this. As this seems a bug or issue. And until this gets resolved, how can one identify and search for page, product by ID

    5. Initially, while after Theme and Demo content installation, I found that the Page Title BG color and BG image was already added in Theme options > Page Title. And I let them, as it is, in order for it show for All newly created pages automatically.

    Now, point is-
    5.a. For few pages and posts, I want to set the Page or Post Title BG Color to OFF, for few I want to set Page or Post Title BG image to OFF, for few both to OFF, but want to still keep the Title TEXT. And mix and match all these for Pages and posts.

    I could not find the standalone option to do that on and for each Page and post separately, from their respective Edit pages.
    Even though, when there is NO BG color or BG image selected for any New pages-posts, those still gets populated from Theme Settings (Global options). And ofcourse I do not want to Disable that Globally.

    5.b. I found that the only way is to use the Preset options to Disable each of Page title BG color and BG image, each for individual pages-posts.
    But for that we have to create separate Preset options for each page-post, depending upon rule or condition. (say, if have other rules too)

    Think of a scenario, when we want to set different rules for 30 different Pages-posts. In that case Preset options is Not an ideal choice. And Not easy to do that too.
    What if there will be 100 pages-posts or 250 or more, for which we need to define such rules (or even other rules).
    One cannot maintain 250+ Presets in the list of Option Presets, and that is true for anybody.
    It is not even easy to Add even 20-30+ pages (by ID), in a Single Preset, Nor it is an ideal solution.

    An Ideal and easy solution (atleast for these settings or for those settings, that can be added while Editing of Per Page or Post or Per product page)
    5.c. Please Add the ON-OFF button besides each option separately – BG color, as well as, BG Image
    So that we can Disable the BG color or BG Image or both, for each Page or Post separately too
    Irrespective of what is set in Global settings – Theme options > Page Title
    And with that, we do not have to do with Global settings, and do not have to create Presets from Option-Presets too, atleast just for this.

    Representation of what shall be done – https://i2.paste.pics/FRC30.png

    5.d. Similarly, options for a Page Title Custom size and Custom Color (other than Dark and light) to be added per page and post separately.
    And an option for Page Design to be added for each Page and Product separately. (For Left, Center right)

    Also, for Breadcrumbs, to Enable-Disable them per page or post basis.

    PS: There are scenarios where one want to keep things Clean, and want to Disable the Breadcrumbs on few specific Page or posts (or want to show them somewhere else, but not at top or Above-th-Fold)


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    4b. It seems that the numbers above the IDs are related to the “Size” product attribute.



    5a. I have already sent it to the team. They will consider your proposal.

    If you still have some questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d be happy to talk through them with you.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    4.b. I think my query got misunderstood somehow. Let me try to explain again-

    If someone tries to search by ID, it is not showing results at all. Infact, as shown in the below video, it throws incorrect results too (at very end of video. Please see full video)
    I tried by using Post ID and Term ID both, and searching by actual ID, did not worked.


    Imp.: Please check, at the end, I search by ID 3974, it then displays Privacy Policy, rather than the actual Product page (for which that ID belongs to)

    Neither by Name, it shows correct results.



    Luke Nielsen


    4b. There the search works only by name. The ID is intended to recognize pages with the same title.

    Please feel welcome to reach out to me with any questions you may have and I would be more than happy to help.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    4.b. Thanks for further info. However, sometimes, it don’t even shows the results by Name properly and sometimes not. As can be seen from those same videos (1st and 2nd)
    Also, while searching by name, I think it is looking for the “Word” (that is Search term) from All over the pages (that is inside content part too), instead of just the Title of the page. Is that so.

    If this is the case, then this is quite frustrating. Say, I have added the “Contact” form on each page, or added this word “Contact Us”, on each page.
    And we are searching or wants to search the actual “Contact Us” page from Option presets, it then shows each and every page in the results (that has the word “Contact” inside, as a content)

    Please correct me If I am wrong. Or can you please check, is this how, it is actually working or not. Can you please try to replicate at your end too.

    Even if not, then also, it do not shows correct results always. Take a same example of Contact (search term). Try to check from your side also, on our site. It shows multiple results.

    Secondly, if it is intended to show results by name, then I think some corrections needs to be made in the Option Presets area. Means, rather than displaying the words as “Post ID”, “Term ID”, it should be corrected and should show Post Name, Term name (in the very first column).
    That will avoid unnecessary confusion. As it primary gives a perception, that we need to use ID as a search string or term, to find out the actual page or desire result on column 3


    Also, waiting for a response from your side, on this below post –



    Luke Nielsen


    Search by default occurs in the post_title, post_excerpt, post_content fields. This means that the “Search” field searches not only for the page title but also for the pages with content that has some similar words.

    Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions. We’re thankful that you took the time to share your concerns with us.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    4. Please check below Video from 15 sec onwards. You will realize and it can be seen that how difficult it is getting to find just the Contact Us page, by using the Search Term “Contact
    I tried by entering the Keyword Contact in Search field, instead of displaying the Contact Us page on TOP of the results, it is showing somewhere in-between.

    Take another scenario-
    Say, If someone selling Bags or Caps and have 200 products under each category. And now wants to use Option presets. And tried by using the Search Term “Bags” (or Caps), then it will display ALL 200 products as Search results (because every product may contain atleast this word – Cap, or Bag). And few other words may be common too.
    Also, with that the populated list of results will be too long, and hard to find the actual product (that is in question). Nearly impossible to scroll within the displayed results. Atleast a mouse-scroll cannot work, with such a humongous list.

    I think this below solution should work much better way. (Atleast somewhat)-
    The displayed results should have some Precedence Order (or backend searching with some sort of order), so that the Search Term should – a) first be matched with the Title and show the results in chronological order. b) Then it should show results as per Short Description and then Contents.
    c) It can show Content results on Top, when the Search Term could not be found in the Title.
    And can adjust the order accordingly.

    d) Also, if you could please add the option, whereby one can either search be Search Term (any word), or by ID itself. That can make it much easier and can resolve this complication.

    6. I encountered a Serious bug while working with Option Presets suddenly. In below video you can check what happened between 26-28 seconds (However, please check complete video)
    This was really strange. I was once Shocked, and could not understand what had happened. So I had no other option, but to Stop the Recording and switch from the Theme Settings to some other option (like Appearance or some other), from the Dashboard. So that I may not commit any mistake, not even unknowingly. I really got afraid, at one point.


    As can be seen from video, the Option Presets moved to way bottom and shown in Full-width across the window (below other Theme options).
    Actually, this is what I am somewhat looking for, and asked earlier also (in one of previous post response). This can come handy and can be very much helpful for all.

    6.a. The only thing is, as in Video, the 3rd column (for condition), is still smaller in width (or length), and can be made more wider (according to space that is still left at right side)
    So as to accommodate Large Titles, and making it easy to read and thereby consuming less space vertically. (avoid unwanted extra scrolls)
    6.b. Another thing to note, that it switches at bottom, but if the Option presets can be moved to Top (rather displaying at bottom), would be more convenient.



    Luke Nielsen


    4d, 6a, 6b. Thank you for your suggestions I will forward it to the team.

    6. It isn’t a bug, such happened when you have a long title of the page, therefore the column moves to the bottom.


    Thanks for your time and have a great day.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    4d, 6a, 6b. Thank you

    7. We found that there appears an incompatibility issues of Theme with the latest version of WordPress 5.9. That we recently found in the Appearance > Widgets section
    Or else, some other issue.
    (PS: This probably might happened after Auto-update of WordPress to latest version)

    Upon clicking each Widget, it shows Dislocated and Overlapped text with an unrecognized symbol (square type)
    PS: We tried to switch over to default Theme, and there is no such issue. Only appears with Woodmart.
    Also, it can be seen that only 2 types of word strings are displaced and overlapping (coming from Woodmart)
    a) Search for products..
    b) Start typing for..

    Please check this Video for more-



    Luke Nielsen


    7. We’ve reviewed the situation and narrowed the cause to the bug in our theme. We are taking this incident seriously. Once it was discovered, we took appropriate measures and in our next update it will be fixed. Also, this issue is already fixed on your site.

    Let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    7. Yes, I can see it is working. Thank you.

    a. Can I ask, what was done in order to fix it and how it was done.
    I think I have shared only Admin credentinals, just wondering, how that had been fixed without FTP or relevant details or without access of core files.
    have some change or update been made in functions.php of child theme or some other way. Can you please show



    Luke Nielsen


    We edited our theme files via the “Theme file editor” that is available from the admin panel (in Appearance). You don’t need to worry about upgrades, we will add this fix to our theme files. Also, there were no changes to the functions.php files.

    If there’s anything else we can do, please get in touch.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    7. OK, thanks for clarifying it.

    8. I found that the Cache Plugin (LS Cache) was put to Deactivated. I just Activated it back. Just wanted to know, did you actually deactivated it during the editing of Core Theme files, or it automatically got deactivated during that process.

    b). Or it require you to deactivate it during testing for Wishlist (Cache related) part. (which we are discussing on other thread) Whereby, when the button State was not getting saved for Guests or visitors (logged-out users)

    9. I think I have come across one another Issue or bug in theme, from my point of view. Will share the details, once I get confirmed from my side and prepare the Video or screenshot for the same.



    Luke Nielsen


    We owe you an apology, and we’re sorry we messed up.

    It seems that I was testing the “Wishlist” functionality and forget to activate it back.

    Please, describe the issue that you found.

    Our customers are incredibly important to us here and your satisfaction remains our priority at all times.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    8. No problem. I can understand.
    Thanks for clarifying. I just wanted to make sure. As I did not made such change.

    10. I found that the New update 6.3.0 has lots of things, New Additions, fixes and many more. As per the Changelog in the Sticky Thread by Artem.
    However I am really disappointed to find out that NONE of our suggestions or issues (that we reported) have been added or implemented in this update. I was expecting atleast few of those ones to be added in the list. Like,

    a). Few New or Additional Pre-Defined Selectors in Advance Typography section (as discussed earlier for many areas and reasons), that needs to be added, or expecting.
    As well as improvement of few existing Selectors or missing areas from existing Selectors. That is, to maintain uniformity across the site, like for colors of Price and Old Price in every area. (Widgets, Sidebars, Cart-sidebar, Search results..)

    b). Is there any update of Video Icon to be added or shown in the Shop Loop or Archive pages also (in product Grid), which is currently showing only on Single product page. We discussed that too.
    c). I think this has not been added too – Thumbnails position on Product page -Right side. While some other format has been added.

    d). To Disable Page Title options separately for each of option including BG color and image, to be added under Single Product page too. (as a Tick or checkbox option to Disable-Enable) Discussed earlier.

    d). All issues and suggestions related to Theme Preset Options. Are these still under Pipeline and for coming update, or Not.
    e). There were many others that we suggested and requested, but unfortunately, none of those have been added, so far. 🙁
    like – moving of the option – `”<strong>Enable swatch</strong>
    Attribute dropdown will be replaces with swatches”` to the Parent Attribute settings area, rather than it be under each Term (attribute’s term). So that, once it is enabled for any Attribute (like Color), it will work for ALL the terms under it.
    As shown here- https://i2.paste.pics/FX723.png
    Currently, there is so much confusion and irregularity, of it, not working properly.
    And one has to Enable for each of these Terms and also has to maintain consistency across, to make it work.

    f). Did this update, resolved the Widget issue, whereby the text is dislocated or overlapping after WordPress 5.9 Version update. Which you temporarily resolved on our site.
    Or it is still in queue. If not, can a small update be done, in order to fix this. Or to include this fix, so that when this New Update will be actually Lanuched for All and be LIVE, it will be resolved.

    PS: If any of these have been forgotten, and can still be added in the one that is yet to be Launched (6.3.0), then please ask the team. Although there were many more, other than above ones, that we suggested and requested.


    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    Sorry for the delay.

    All feature requests are taken into account and will be considered. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that absolutely all changes proposed by our customers will be made at once.

    I do hope you would remain as our valued customer and thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    It is not, that I am complaining. But I think I was having some expectations from the team. And with positive approach, I thought atleast few of these should be taken care of and will be updated with the coming next one.

    Yes, I understand, not all can be revamped, at once.
    But atleast expecting for points that were mentioned in 10. a) and e)
    As these are not Featured requests (infact none of my request so far, is for a completely NEW feature and not a part of a Featured request), but just an update of existing features. With more flexibility and better control.

    Also, just wanted to know about f) – A Glitch or a Bug
    If that can be resolved in our site, I think that can easily be taken care in this Beta Version too.
    Can you please suggest me on this.



    Luke Nielsen


    The fix for the widgets is already included in the beta version. As you can see from the screenshot of your staging site (that has the beta version), the widgets appear correctly. Correcting such bugs in new updates is always a priority.


    Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions. We’re thankful that you took the time to share your concerns with us.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    f). Ok. Thank you for confirming on this.
    g). Just thought to ask, has Recently Viewed products been added within the Product Grid – Carousel, that we discussed earlier in one of the Topic. And you suggested that it will be added in the Next update.

    9). This was the one that I came across-
    On Single product page, when we click on any variation (color swatch), other than the color-swatch, that we have used for the Product’s Main Image.

    PS: (We have testing on the product for which we have the same image dimensions of all the images)
    Here, in this case, Beige color variation swatch is for Main Product Image. Rest swatches are for other Gallery images, as shown below-

    So, initially, the Gallery images looks all well and of Equal sizes too on the product page. With same height for thumbnails, when we enter Single product page.
    9.a) However, the moment we click on any variation swatch (other than that of Main image), then the Height of the thumbnail increases for just that variation image. (That is, the very first thumbnail, as in Video)

    9.b). The height increases just for that thumbnail only for which the color swatch variation has been selected. The height of others thumbnail images remains as it is and are correct (when they were initially)

    9.c). When we click back the colored swatch icon assigned for the Main Product image, the size or height of the thumbnail turns back to the actual, that is the correct one. (which it was initially)

    All can be seen in this video-

    d) That means, the size or height of thumbnail is incorrectly reflecting and changing for All OTHER variations except the variation that is assigned for the Main Product image.
    Due to this, it breaks the Layout and all thumbnails shifted towards bottom too on Single product page.

    e) This same happens on the Shop Archive page too. When we click on color-swatch directly, it immediately increases the height of the whole Row of Grid. That is, it affects all other products within that Row, and in overall Grid too.

    This is quite irritating, as it not only breaks the layout with the click, but also looks way Odd and surprising.

    Please resolve and fix this.



    Luke Nielsen


    10. I wrote that this element will be added in our future updates (see below screenshot).


    Unfortunately, in this update, this element will not be added.

    9. I checked your issue with the product gallery and concluded that you don’t define the “Thumbnail image width” field in Theme Settings -> Single product -> Images. This field always should be defined, so please set there e.g “150px” and then regenerate images by means of the “Regenerate Thumbnails” plugin.




    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    10. Yes, I understand. I thought that it will be added in this update, that is 6.3 Beta. I might Just be expecting.

    9. Regarding your suggestion –

    define the “Thumbnail image width” field in Theme Settings -> Single product -> Images.

    i). The image width option (from Theme Settings -> Single product -> Images) should not affect the sudden change in the height of image. Whereby, it is correctly displaying Initially (without clicking the swatch icon or image).
    And changes Only upon clicking the swatch image.

    ii) We have already defined the Thumb Image width setting in Appearance > Customize > Woo > Product Images > Thumb Width field.
    Reason to that, if we use Theme Settings -> Single product -> Images and define the Width there, then it affect and changes the height of each thumbnail (within Same Single product page), and is NOT cropped equally for All thumb images. Due to which each thumbnail has Different height, making it look too Odd.
    PS: We already tried this earlier, and faced a lot of these issues, as mentioned in points [9. – ii) to iv)]

    iii). Also, the carousel (on Single product page), do Not work properly too. And Last thumb image do Not scroll-up even with the mouse.
    The Down arrows buttons do not works too. So as to show the last thumbnail image, as well as Auto-Reveal of thumbnails is also not working for last 2 images.
    (Means it is supposed to work like that, the image thumbnails Auto-Scrolls up, while clicking the next thumbnail, thereby revealing the bottom or right thumbnail. But not working here)

    iv). Most importantly, the very last thumbnail do Not shows up at all, even after clicking the Down arrow button. And even after trying to Drag the thumb image up (by clicking and dragging with mouse)
    Please check below Videos –


    PS: We have already tested this earlier and got almost fed-up with that. As this is not the case with other themes. Nor even default 20-21. All the thumbnails images of each product on Single product page shows in same height but in Woodmart, this is not the case, when we use Image Width option in Theme Settings.

    If you want you can try to replicate the same on our Staging site. Credentials already shared.
    However, sharing again in Pvt Content area.
    9. a)-e) Hence, back to point, please resolve the issue mentioned in point a)-e), in current scenario.
    And by considering the point that we mention above in 9. i)

    Or else, please resolve the issues that we mentioned in 9-ii)-iv). We will be happy to use the Image Width option under Theme Settings, and will define the Width there.

    11. Wanted to inform you, that the Forums Subscription is Not working again. We are Not receiving emails again (means not receiving email notification when you or anybody replies).
    We found the Subscription button KEEPS changing it State, and “Rolls-back” to text “Subscribe”. Even though we have already Subscribed earlier. It should show as “Unsubscribe”

    Surprisingly, today again, we found that, All of the Topics were Auto-removed from Subscription
    Hence, today again we clicked and Subscribed the Topics. We did that few times earlier also.

    We come across that the Button State looses or Rolls-back when,
    a) Either we restart our Computer or Laptop
    b) Logged-out of Forums
    c) Or both above.
    d) Or probably some other reason, including Cache related.

    This is really bit frustrating. This started happening when it was switched to New forums system.
    Can you please test it again thoroughly and resolve it permanently.


    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    10. Don’t worry, this option is under development.

    9. On this (https://www.vasangini.com/product/tie-dye-tapestries-elephant-mandala-tapestry-twin-bedspread-beach-throw-free-ship-us/) product you need to upload thumbnails with equals sizes. The first thumbnail is very little so you have such an issue.


    Also, I checked other products and there all look well.


    So the problem is in the images themselves.

    11. All new topics will not have problems with this, now when you create a topic or reply, you automatically subscribe to it. More specifically, if the topic was created earlier, it will not receive an email and if it is a new topic you will receive a message.

    Kind Regards




    So the problem is in the images themselves.

    First of all, there is nothing wrong with the image. The size is also reasonably good. Please check below-

    Regarding your test on other products, I would like to say that, I had to create the images of same proportion for other New products. As this issue was Unresolved, and is still unresolved. So to overcome temporarily, I had to manage this way.
    PS: Practically, this is not possible to have exactly same size for ALL of the images of one Product. Due to various reasons and presentation purposes, sizes may vary for sure.

    b). Also, I requested to check on the staging site, not on this Live site domain. Please see, at the end of point iv)
    But as it was tested on this Live site URL, this has affected the layout on Single product page and many of the users reported us that. This becomes embarrassing situation for us.
    Also, this time, the settings were not even reverted back, after testing. (Means value of 150px was not removed from Thumb Image size settings area).

    c). In addition to that the thumbnails of that same product page (that you refer for image issue) are displaying Perfectly and in Equal size and equal height too, with the Default 20-21 theme. (You can try to switch to 20-21 theme on Staging site, on the Product page)
    This again shows, that the setting prepared within the theme for Image Thumb size has got some sort of issue, and the Code for this needs to be revised and refined.

    d). As I informed, I already tried earlier by entering 150px in Thumb image width under Theme Settings area. But that breaks the thumbnail appearance on product page. That is why I had to revert back and remove the values in that pixel width field. Just to atleast accommodate one of issue on single product page.

    e). Further to that, you can see that even when you added 150 px in Thumb image width area, and if we click on swatch images on Shop Archive pages. Then also, the same Glitch happens. Suddenly enlarging the image height.
    Please check below video-
    And this video is tested on the product that have equal image proportions.

    So, definitely the issue is related to Theme itself. Atleast considering all of the above points and conditions.

    f). Please check, that if we do not use Thumb image width field under Theme settings (and let it empty), then it shows equal sized thumb images (as those are coming from default Woo settings) on Single product page. But the moment we add any pixel value in that settings, it breaks the thumb images.
    So this primarily needs to resolve within the Theme itself.

    9. Hence, back to point, please resolve the issue mentioned in point a)-e) (as I requested here – https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/few-issues-in-theme-needs-attention-solutions-expected/#post-352639), in current scenario.
    Also, i). The image width option (from Theme Settings -> Single product -> Images) should not affect the sudden change in the height of image. Whereby, it is correctly displaying Initially (without clicking the swatch icon or image).
    And changes Only happen upon clicking the swatch image once. Clicking back twice, it reverts back to original position.

    Or else, please resolve the issues that we mentioned in 9-ii)-iv) [as below]. We will be happy to use the Image Width option under Theme Settings, and will define the Width there.

    11. Can I ask why only New Topics. And what will happen to existing or Older Topics. Atleast those should work properly, when we are Again Subscribing them. Should not those work thereafter.
    I was even suggested by the Author, that they will work after Subscribing them (previous or Older topics) back.
    Can you please clarify.


    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    9b. Sorry, but I have tested the thumbnails on the staging site, or maybe I confused them somehow. Please accept my apologies.

    9e, f. Unfortunately, at the moment we can’t fix that by using only custom CSS therefore in the next update we will fix this problem.

    9, d, c. Sorry, at the moment there is no quick fix to issue with the thumbnails but we will fix this problem in update 6.4

    11. Yes, you are right, they will work after Subscribing them (previous or Older topics) back.

    If I missed something, please let me know. I do hope you would remain as our valued customer and thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards

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