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Filter by category

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  • #151824


    how to change filters by categories?



    You can add filter by categories in your shop from Appearance >> Widget. Add the Product Categories widget in the Shop Page Widget Area.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/pMmW1mU

    Once your product categories shown in the shop sidebar. You can click on specific category to display the products of that specific category.

    Best Regards.



    ups, sorry, i was thinking about that: How to change filters by category? For example we have wooden front doors with this category atributes, and we want to use them just on that page.



    To use your specific filters on specific category page. You need to use the WooCommerce Layered Nav widget from Appearance >> Widget.

    It will allow you to choose your specific category on and your specific attribute.
    Screenshot: https://jmp.sh/zdqiGn6

    Best Regards.

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