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Filter menu re-order

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  • #558430


    Hello, how I change the order of my product categories on the filter menu? I would like a custom order.




    The categories in the sidebar are displayed in alphabetical order.

    You can use a free plugin to change the order according to your needs.

    Best Regards.



    I want it to display only the child categories for each of my primary categories. However, when a user clicks on my category, all my other secondary/child categories disappear. I would like it so that when a user enters one of my primary categories, all the child categories are displayed and remain displayed. However, I do not wish for all my primary categories to be displayed as well. How can I achieve this? Here is a screenshot for reference: https://prnt.sc/TZuDQb814bVY.



    Please navigate to Appearance > Customize > Woocommerce > Product catalog > set the categories display > Choose what to display on product category pages.

    Best Regards.



    where is that option ‘Choose what to display on product category pages’?




    If you display the categories on the shop page, and a customer clicks the category name and lands on the category page.

    You have three options – you can show products, subcategories, or both products and subcategories.

    Let’s see each. If you select products, all the products in a category will be displayed on the category page.

    By selecting subcategories, you can display all the subcategories in that category. Customers can click a sub-category to see products inside that.

    The third option is to display both subcategories and products in the category page. Based on what is suitable for your store, you can choose any of these options.

    Best Regards.



    Thanks. I basically don’t want the filter to lose the option for the customer to easily access the other subcategories after clicking on one individual subcategory. My products all relate, and it would be normal for a customer to go in and out of each subcategory, and I want them to be able to do this with ease.

    Is there any way for them to access the subcategories in a method like this? https://prnt.sc/jMDeVriMsxL7 For example, it’s easy for a customer to flick in and out of the subcategories within a primary category without them all disappearing.



    The most ideal solution would be for the subcategories to remain present within each primary category, and merely go bold when a customer is within one of the subcategories – is this possible with Woodmart?



    I suggest you use product categories in the page title. Navigate to Theme Settings > Product Archive > Page title > Enable the option “Categories in Page title”.

    Hope this helps!

    Best Regards.

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