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Filters not on the left side

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  • #592140


    I have set up filters, but they are not shown on the left side. They are shown on the top. Please check the images and the link I have shared with you in the private area.

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    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards



    please check the private content



    Try to install the Classic Widgets plugin on your site.

    Then, Add the filters widget in the shop page widget area and check the issue.

    Best Regards.



    Hi thanks now it is working. Is it possible for the filter options to be expanded directly?



    Navigate to Theme Settings > Product Archive > Widgets > Shop sidebar widgets collapse > choose “disable”.

    Best Regards



    Great thanks!

    I have another question regarding the filters.
    Is it possible to add different filters based on the category? For example there is one category called “A” und another category called “B”.

    On category “A” I want to show only the filter options “color” (red, blue, yellow) and “size” (S, M, XL).

    On category “B” I only want to show the filter options “price” ( $, $$, $$$), “height” (1m, 2m, 3m, 4m) and “material” (aluminum, steel, glass, copper).



    Use the WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav Widget, there is an option available named as Show on Category > in that you can select your choice of Category and the Filter will then show on that specific Category page: https://snipboard.io/cKGYJa.jpg

    Best Regards



    Is it possible to create filters based on product tags? Is it possible to take into account that only the product tags of the respective category are displayed? Is it possible to summarize the product tags as a parent category?



    Try to create a custom sidebar and add the widgets.

    Then, try to use the Theme’s Layout Builder. You can create Custom Layouts for WooCommerce pages like Shop, Category. So, you can use that to create your own custom layouts for specific categories and choose the sidebar.

    Further, you can read more about the Layout Builder here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/

    Best Regards.

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