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fix space between top bar and main header

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  • #315856



    1- I want to decrease the space between top bar and main bar in the header section I tried to do that by going to header setting > main header > main header settings > row height and I lower the value but the space still the same and the space below the main header affected and got smaller and I only want to decrease the space above main header between main header and top bar how to do that please check the screenshot.
    2- I want to make the width of the language switcher drop down menu small how to do that please check the screenshot.

    Best regards,



    Enter the page and set margin-top:-40px in the upper row settings: http://prntscr.com/lexqqs

    If you will make this drop-down smaller, flags and language code would overlap, you would better leave only flags in WPML settings.

    Best Regards




    How to enter the page from where can please explain in details ?

    in the drop down Im not using flags only two words so how to make it narrow to fit the two words

    Best Regards,



    Please, provide your site admin access (insert the site credentials into the Private content block under the message area).

    Best Regards



    Please find the details




    Please decrease the row height in the default header: https://gyazo.com/98b8dec6f4a6c93e4581eb0a48b66e03

    You need to configure the drop-down view in WPML > Languages: https://gyazo.com/4943d7aed94f4f162648a8ab17902002

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    I want to change the width of the language switcher to make it smaller not to add flags please go back to the previous screenshots and in WPML – language there is no option to edit dropdown menu width check the screenshot



    Please contact WPML support on this issue. When I try make it smaller it became not readable, now usable, and looks broken.

    Best Regards

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