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Fixing Gift Registry plugin button

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  • #322377



    We are trying to use this plugin:

    It should add a little heart button to add a product to a gift registry but instead it appears as a second add to cart button. We contacted the developer but they told us this:
    “unfortunately, we are not able to resolved your first issue because your theme is adding some CSS and JQuery on add to cart button and due to this parent selector we can override the CSS and Jquery”

    Is it possible for you to help us figure out how to fix that buttons appearance?


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    Please, provide your site admin access (insert the site credentials into the Private content block under the message area).

    Best Regards



    See private content.



    Please update the plugins you have now, if you cannot update them, deactivate them.

    Please deactivate all the plugins except these ones:

    Slider Revolution
    WPBakery Page Builder or Elementor
    Woodmart Core
    Contact Form 7
    MailChimp for WordPress
    Safe SVG
    and Gift plugin and check how it works.

    If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    Let us know if the problem presists.

    Best Regards




    Yes – I have done this and behavior is still the same. It is showing the incorrect icon.
    I created test environment for it.

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    Please try to choose this design on hover in the Theme Settings > Product Archive > Product Style. https://gyazo.com/f7d671145c818ff6db2a6a8eaf4c81b2

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    So there is no way to keep that icon interface and fix the icon you are saying?



    Unfortunately, this is the only way. Did you try that?

    Best Regards



    Yes – I just prefer the other method with small icons. I do not really like the large buttons because they cannot click behind the button on the picture to go to the product page.


    Bogdan Donovan


    Woodmart product hover design that you choose has add to cart button in the form of icon which placed inside of product image and there is no place for other button or any other plugin elements in that design.

    “Gift Registry for WooCommerce” plugin is coded in that way that it will always add additional button before add to cart button and that button can’t be separated from add to cart buttons since that behavior is controlled by plugin and unfortunately can’t be changed via WordPress Theme.

    To use vendor additional plugin buttons on your product grid, you need to use a product hover that have a button under the product image and have enough space for other plugin elements before it. For example: Button standard https://woodmart.xtemos.com/shop/?opt=button_standard.

    How “Gift Registry for WooCommerce” advertise their functionality on product grid with standard WordPress theme and WooCommerce https://prnt.sc/1z9ejfi
    How default WooCommerce Storefront theme hover initially looks: https://prnt.sc/zpvokj
    Woodmart theme have Button Standard hover with similar layout: http://prntscr.com/zpvtrn

    In other hover designs, the button can be hidden via CSS to avoid style conflicts.

    Kind Regards

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