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Floating header is transparent

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  • #336495

    Hi, our floating header seems to be transparent when it should be white. Sometimes it wont appear as it should (not visible at all). Can you please assist us to find put whats wrong?

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    Please describe steps on how I can reproduce the problem? I am checking your home page and cannot catch the problem: https://gyazo.com/ff4519539d2afd9c11ecfe006472ef37

    Best Regards


    Hi, and thank you.

    The problem with the transparent, sticky header has now disappeared. I suspect a plugin or similar caused the problem.

    According to the settings, the sticky header should also be visible on the front. Why does it not appear there, or on other pages? I only see it on category pages, example https://best.luftrensing.no/kategori/terrassevarmer/.

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    I see the sticky header on the front page https://gyazo.com/c3957d5703c975a8f8a54a38b4f60c61

    Try to detect which plugin influences, I do not see the sticky header on the product category.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    This problem is probably due to a small cache error or similar. Everything seems to be working as it should. Again, thanks for the great service!


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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