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Fresh Install Terribly Slow

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  • #309556


    Hi I’ve just purchased Woodmart and it’s terribly slow after I do the fresh install. I’ve tried a few times with both elementor version and bakery version, but both is slow as hell. It’s definitely not server problem as I’ve got a few other websites and all of them works fine and smooth. My website address is: https://xxxstuffs.com

    The google pagespeed insight score is 28 and gtmetrix can’t even show the score as it’s overtime



    Tried a few times, and this is the result



    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    Our dummy content is not optimized and we recommend you replace it with your own before testing the performance. We have checked your website and found a few problems that you should fix first to speed up your website.

    1. There are some errors loading resources on your website. Probably, they are caused by your hosting server or installed plugins. Check also HTTPS URL settings in Dashboard -> Settings -> General https://gyazo.com/3777e33b8e00155c637c215236fcb8be

    2. Your home page size is 5MB+ which is too much. It may be due to large not optimized images, JS, CSS files, plugins etc. https://gyazo.com/8cf4930ccd9a716840f7f0d381e1419c

    3. Turn off all third-party plugins first and optimize your website. Then, add necessary plugins one by one and check the speed accordingly.

    4. Use WP Rocket plugin to optimize your website’s JS, CSS and cache.

    5. Use some CDN services like KeyCDN.

    6. We recommend you uninstall the Slider revolution plugin since it is too heavy if you want to get a high score in Google page speed.

    Kind Regards

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