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  • #339028

    Bogdan Donovan

    2. Oversized select element in Gutenberg editor (https://prnt.sc/22s0wyj).
    This issue will be fixed in the next theme update.

    4. Metabox positon.
    We will consider your suggestions as a feature request.

    8. Gutenberg editor backend.
    In the next update, we will add the ability to disable theme styles on Gutenberg editor window.

    Like an alternative, for now, you can overwrite editor width by adding the following code to the child theme function.php file.

    add_action('admin_head', 'wd_admin_fix');
    function wd_admin_fix() {
      echo '<style>body div.block-editor .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block:not([data-align="full"]) {
    	max-width: 840px;

    9. Article sidebar.

    We have checked “SIDEBAR OPTIONS” on your “La Couleur Corail” article, and they are working correctly.

    Right sidebar enabled:
    Backend (https://prnt.sc/22s10ni)
    Frontend (https://prnt.sc/22s0jgs)

    Sidebar disabled:
    Backend (https://prnt.sc/22s11n6)
    Frontend (https://prnt.sc/22s0iwb)

    Kind Regards




    The problem is that you don’t take into account what was written before.

    Just for info, when I choose “right sidebar” on a given article -via metabox-, the layout in Gutenberg editor or preview does not take it into account.

    And Editor remains thus un-workable.



    Bogdan Donovan


    Options like “Sidebar position” and “Sidebar size” affect only the site’s frontend. As was mentioned in the following replies (https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/functions-php/#post-337657, https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/functions-php/#post-338445):

    Gutenberg didn’t allow us to detect the presence of sidebar on the site’s frontend of the current page/article and because of that, sidebar width can’t be subtracted from Gutenberg editor container width on the site’s backend. If Gutenberg allows us to do so, the following width changes will be applied.

    As was mentioned in the following reply (https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/functions-php/page/2/#post-339028), if you want to overwrite editor container width, you can use custom code provided in this reply. Code need to be added to the child theme function.php file:

    add_action('admin_head', 'wd_admin_fix');
    function wd_admin_fix() {
      echo '<style>body div.block-editor .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block:not([data-align="full"]) {
    	max-width: 840px;

    Also in the next update, we will add the ability to disable theme styles on Gutenberg editor window.

    Kind Regards

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