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Google Docs Viewer issues

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  • #207869

    Manuel Veliz Aguayo

    We are using the Woodmart template in the design of an online store for electrical products, which each product has a technical sheet and / or a user manual.
    The technical sheets are available on the providers’ websites in 2 types of link formats:
    1. https://www.gavazzionline.com/pdf/rmi2n.pdf
    2. https://www.lovatoelectric.com/HandlerDoc.ashx?s=PD116GB09_19.pdf&ic=57
    Using the first option of link the google docs viewer workinf perfectly, but using the second option of link the google viewer don´t show document.
    See enclosed screenshot capture.
    Thanks in advance

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    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    We just visited your product page and see that the file is displayed properly in the additional tab https://gyazo.com/05705017d7aefe2dedb11335cafa1d4b

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio


    Manuel Veliz Aguayo

    Thanks for your answer!
    When you visited our page you saw that the file is displayed properly in the additional tab because due to the issues we using the option embedded document: [embeddoc url=”https://vartecspci.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/BF0910A22060_20200525.pdf”%5D, than mean the document is uploaded and saved in the server space where our domain is hosted, this option (Embedded Docs) working perfectly, but consumes contracted hosting capacity for our domain.
    For these reason to view document we wan the option view document FROM URL, but this option have problem when the url look like this: https://www.lovatoelectric.com/HandlerDoc.ashx?s=PD116GB02-09_19.pdf&ic=58

    Please see check the link that you visited ( https://vartecspci.com/product/three-pole-contactor-coil-220vac-60hz-9a-1nc/), I just changed the link used in the option view docs FROM URL.
    You can see that using link like this: https://www.lovatoelectric.com/HandlerDoc.ashx?s=PD116GB02-09_19.pdf&ic=58 have problem in the viewer docs TAB.

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    Artem Temos


    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not? Add it to the product description to see if it works with WordPress and WooCommerce even without WoodMart.



    Manuel Veliz Aguayo

    I’m not sure what you mean “Add it to the product description”
    but when changing the Woodmart Theme for TwentyTwenty many things that were in woodmart disappear in TwentyTwenty, you only see the product photo and its short description.
    I put the document link in the description and the result was: the description only shows the link text.
    kid regards
    Manuel Véliz A.


    Artem Temos

    Could you please switch to default theme and send us a link to the product where we can see this? Be sure that you have added it to the description field (not short description).


    Manuel Veliz Aguayo

    Please see enclosed the result of your proposal, the result was that the description show the link text https://www.lovatousa.com/HandlerDoc.ashx?s=PD139GB04_19.pdf&ic=57


    Manuel Véliz A.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos

    Please, send us your admin access so we can check how it works.


    Manuel Veliz Aguayo

    I sent you the access information using private chanel.
    Could you if you received it and if you can fix the problem?


    Artem Temos

    You didn’t send any access yet. Please, send us the information using our Private content field.


    Manuel Veliz Aguayo


    Please confirm if you received the access information by private content field. I sent you two times.


    Artem Temos

    No, sorry. We don’t see any content in the Private content field. Only your website URL that was sent in the very first message.


    Manuel Veliz Aguayo

    I dont understand, may be the private content replay not working?
    Could you send your email? I can send our access data by email
    Please send your email to [email protected]



    Artem Temos

    In this case, send us a message via our contact form on ThemeForest https://themeforest.net/user/xtemos


    Manuel Veliz Aguayo

    Check your email from https://themeforest.net/user/xtemos. I just sent the access information to the wp-admin


    Artem Temos

    You just wrote a text in your product description https://gyazo.com/54bbb99f3223b0f7241c934cadbd9be6
    But in the extra tab you have placed a shortcode https://gyazo.com/d3b63b5932fab13c8e348f761d46522c

    Check how the same shortcode works in product description and with default WordPress theme.


    Manuel Veliz Aguayo


    I tried putting the short code [embeddoc url=”https://www.lovatoelectric.com/HandlerDoc.ashx?s=PD116GB02-09_19.pdf&ic=58″%5D in the description as you suggested and the result in the web site was that the page shows message loading... and remains in that state and does not finish loading the document.
    Please see enclosed caputure.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos

    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not? Check the shortcode in the description.



    Manuel Veliz Aguayo

    I changed the default theme by twentytwenty and the result is that all content changed and the photo of the product disappeared, as well as the description. please see video in the following link https://gyazo.com/5849bde4fb07de4a8f93b070710005bc


    Manuel Veliz Aguayo

    You should be able to test if the problem is caused by the Woodmart template, because your main bussines is sales worpress templates, and support the templates sales by you.
    If the pdf document is viewed using both types of links in any browser, it should also be viewed in worpress using the woodmart template.
    I am late with the website and need to solve this problem.
    We like the Woodmart template a lot and meet our expectations.
    The only problem we have had is related to the issue of viewing documents from type links: https://www.lovatoelectric.com/HandlerDoc.ashx?s=PD130E06_18.pdf&ic=377
    Could you help me more? I sent you the access information to our wp-admin.
    Thanks in advance for the support
    kind regards


    Artem Temos

    But this shortcode is not a part of our theme at all. That is why we ask you to check how it works with other themes to understand if the problem is caused by WoodMart or not.

    When you switched to the default theme, have you tested the product page and the description area?


    Artem Temos

    You can try to test it with Storefront WooCommerce theme also.


    Manuel Veliz Aguayo

    Several days saying the same thing, that when I change the default theme and replaced by the thene TWentyTwenty and used the link in the descrition. The result was that all design changes in the website, i.e. the product page that we testing does not contain the Description Tab, and the product photo is not shown. I sent you link of the video result.
    I have the impression that you did not check it or you have not understood anything That I wrote you.
    The error is with your Template, why do you ask me to do the tests with other templates, when you should be the ones to do those tests, since you are the specialists and have more resources and knowledges.
    Please tell me if you are finally will to help me or will continue asking me to do a test with other template, Should be you who do those tests, because you are the specialist and have more resurces and knowledges
    I have purchased a template that I like with 1 year support, I really hope you will help me to solve this problem.
    Sorry by my english I do my best.




    Artem Temos

    We are very sorry for the inconvenience, but we just tell you that things that are not related to our theme are out of our theme support scope. You can read Envato Theme Support Policy here https://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy

    We have tested your website with the default WordPress theme and it works exactly the same way as with WoodMart.
    Twenty Seventeen – https://gyazo.com/dc3536ca5fae68380d04798f37f004a4
    WoodMart – https://gyazo.com/6dc44060a76aeff464b879628bbe70c3

    As you can see, the problem is the same for both themes and that means that our theme has no relation to your problem.

    Hope for your understanding.

    Kind Regards

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