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Google map – strech row and content

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  • #142629

    Stanley Black


    When row is set to strech row and content, google map is cut of.
    Controls stay hidden.
    But when row is set to default everyting works fine.

    How to make to entire map stay visible on streched row and content?

    Kind regards

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    Please clarify your problem: now I see you have stretched the row and the map content is not cut https://gyazo.com/400f996cc0eb0d01f207a423fd1bc618

    Best Regards


    Stanley Black


    Maybe you have larger screen resolution, but for 1080p map content is cut.

    You can check on http://whatismyscreenresolution.net/multi-screen-test
    paste my contact page url and choose 1080p.

    Kind regards



    You need to change the Size size in the General Layout of the Theme Settings https://prnt.sc/p3omkr

    Try “Boxed” without hidden overflow.

    Best Regards

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