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Google optimization

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    Good day! I really like your template; I use it already on two sites (two licenses). But I have a question about its download speed according to google. The description of the chalon says that the seo template is optimized and has excellent SEO performance based on the test through https://developers.google.com/ – this is not entirely true. There are many nuances that google do not like and as a result, site performance is very small. You could help me set up the scripts (styles) in the template correctly so that my site gets normal performance and not 29% of the 100 that are currently http://prntscr.com/q2awzo. Hosting I use siteground (according to your recommendation, the maximum rate). This is very important for me, please help!



    And tell me how can I solve this font problem? http://prntscr.com/q2e65p


    Artem Temos


    Yes, Google always scores with 20-40 points mobile performance for 99% of websites built with WordPress. To get more points you need to have a really light page. For example remove all sliders, carousels and leave a few banners and products only. Then you will get a high result. But usually, our theme works very fast on mobile devices and don’t have any problems with performance. We suggest you to test it on a few mobile devices and you will see that there are no real performance problems.




    OK, And tell me how can I solve this font problem? http://prntscr.com/q2e65p?


    Artem Temos

    If you want to change the font display property you can do this in Theme Settings -> Performance.



    Yes, I understand that the more information and products on the site, the harder it is to score a high Google score. But, for any errors and problems, say that I try to switch to the standard wordpress theme and test it. So I did a test of the standard woocomerce theme for speed in google. The indicator is much higher than in my template. (Link to the demo template https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?hl=eng&url=https%3A%2F%2Fthemes.woocommerce.com%2Fstorefront%2Fshop%2F&tab=mobile) – https test result : //developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/? hl = eng & url = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fthemes.woocommerce.com% 2Fstorefront% 2Fshop% 2F & tab = mobile) This pattern scored 69% and if you follow Google recommendations the images will be all 90% http://prntscr.com/q2qzr8. In the google webmaster console on my site, ALL pages have a low speed rating of http://prntscr.com/q2r0do – today this is already critical for SEO. Help me fix these indicators, or why do you write in the description of the template that it is SEO optimized?


    Artem Temos

    But what exactly problems with the template do you mean? You asked about the font display property and our theme has an option to change it. Of course, you will not have this issue with almost empty standard WordPress theme. It doesn’t have a vector icons library at all and that is why it is much simpler. And why should we write that the template is not optimized if it is optimized? Everything else depends on your website and content optimizations. If you found any issues with our theme, just report us and we will fix them quickly. Or we will return your money back.



    You guys are sorry if I offended you. I just want to get the normal support for the template I paid for. Regarding the font, you answered: “If you want to change the font display property you can do this in Theme Settings -> Performance.” – This menu has many settings. I am not a programmer, I don’t know, I need to enable it there so that this error disappears.



    Hello Vitaliy
    on my site i have 0 problems with google, here what i used

    – For the fonts problem, use Asset CleanUp

    – For Serve images in next-gen formats use Image optimization & Lazy Load by Optimole

    WP rocket works perfekt with those plugins and woodmart

    Try them, and if you have more problems, replay 🙂 would love to help you



    Hi BaBaBaker. Thanks for the tip. Most likely, these plugins can help optimize the site. But there are too many settings in them that I don’t understand and I’m afraid to get my site working


    Artem Temos

    No need to worry, we understand you.
    As for the font, Google recommends using font-display option for fonts to swap them while they are loading. And this option exists in our Performance settings. Personally, we don’t prefer using it because it may make your website really ugly during loading. But you can use it if you want to improve the pagespeed score. Note that this score doesn’t always mean fast and well-optimized website. We suggest you read this article for example https://wp-rocket.me/blog/the-truth-about-google-pagespeed-insights/

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