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header colour

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  • #166026

    E-N Admin


    My top header background is black so I need to make the text colour scheme to be ‘light’ however, having it Light makes the currency option drop down not visible. https://prntscr.com/qiq3yw

    and I dont want the text to be dark because it’s just not that visible.




    Currently your top bar is in the black color and the text inside it, is in light gray and your country switcher drop down contains light gray text and white background.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/7o2vOjQ

    I suggest you set the background of first option of your country switcher in white color so that selected value will be visible.

    You can try the below CSS code in global custom CSS area under theme settings >> custom CSS:

    .wc-price-based-country select{

    Result: https://jmp.sh/W9MDqUj

    Best Regards.

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