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Header expand

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  • #103638

    Stanley Black


    Is it possible to expand header for 300px more that is width of main page wrapper.

    Screenshot better describes my question 🙂

    Kind regards

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    I am a little bit confused with your screen you say about the header but the header is full-width and the screen shows that you want to stretch the content.

    Please navigate to the Theme settings > General layout and see what site widths are available.

    Alternatively, you can set the rows of your content “Stretch row with/without paddings”

    Best Regards


    Stanley Black


    Header is not full width. General layout is boxed.

    Site width is 1000px but I want to header be 300px wider.

    Kind regards



    Set any width kind shown on the screenshot http://prntscr.com/mb8sak excepting “boxed” and full-width header would work. There is no option just to increase the header for 300 px.

    Best Regards


    Stanley Black


    Thanks for your response!

    I dont have Custom option in site width section.

    Kind regards

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    Please update your site. Make the full backup of the site and update https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/update-theme-2/

    You need to make your header in the Header builder if you have not done that.

    Best Regards


    Stanley Black


    Because is no option to increase the header for xy px, is it possible to decrease page content without header globally?

    I know that I can decrease page content from page builder(just put left and right margin).
    But I have too many pages.
    How to decrease page content for every page?

    Header width will be site width – 1200px and every element below header will have 1000px width.

    Kind regards



    Now your content width is 1050px http://prntscr.com/meo5yo

    Here is the code:

    @media (min-width: 1200px){
    body .website-wrapper {
        max-width: 1000px!important;

    Add it to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global


    Stanley Black


    Thanks for your response!

    Website wrapper is now decreased and header have site width but there is another problem now.

    Header is not centred(screenshot).
    I want to achive like in screenshot2.

    Kind regards

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    I do not understand what you mean https://gyazo.com/bc1d21e44abb23fbd9bd4335b77a7348

    Please explain.

    Best Regards


    Stanley Black

    Sorry, i was working local.
    You can see now, code is added on online site.

    Problem is when yours css code was added to custom css header is not centerd.(screenshot1)

    I want to achive screenshot2.

    kind regards



    Replace the code with this one:

    body  .main-page-wrapper {
     max-width: 1000px;
        margin: 0 auto;

    Best Regards


    Stanley Black


    It works!

    How to achive the same with footer?

    I want to footer have same size as main-page-wrapper.

    Kind regards



    Add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS:

    body .footer-container {
        max-width: 1000px;
        margin: 0 auto;

    Best Regards

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