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Help! Store image sizes not appearing correctly

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  • #14343


    Hi Guys,

    We love the theme but have found an annoying issue and need your help to resolve it. Our store is used mainly for affiliate products and we have imported many products, but we find that the images sizes are never equal, see what we mean here: https://s30.postimg.org/k1q5nxqqp/Product_image_size_issues.jpg

    Please help! How can we make all images and texts to appear correctly. We did not set it to masonry format, and don’t understand why most the image sizes are not auto resized as they should. We’ll appreciate your help with fixing this. Thanks!


    Artem Temos


    If you want to crop all images and make them in equal proportions then you can enable “Hard crop” option in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Product -> Display. Don’t forget to regenerate all thumbnails.




    Thanks, we’ll give this a try! Another questions, we want to have 5 products per row with this layout of product category page https://demo.xtemos.com/basel/shop/?shop_alt but we can’t see a way to do this in admin. How can we have 5 per row and still have the sidebar on the left? We really need this. Thanks


    Artem Temos

    We are sorry but 5 columns is not supported by bootsrap CSS framework and Visual Composer that our theme use. At the moment, there is no way to make shop page with 5 columns.




    Hi guys, we just noticed that the hard crop has destroyed thousands of products on our side, it isn’t working. How can we get rid of the hard crop and restore our images? Isn’t there some way or a script you can give us to make all images appear the same size and height in the theme? Other themes we have used keep image sizes the same, can your theme not do this? Pls advise. We like your theme but this issue could be the only reason we can’t use it as it’s too important. Thank you and cannot be ignored, it’s what everyone sees

    We’ll appreciate your help with solving this quickly. Thank you

    Best regards


    Artem Temos


    Could you please send us a link to see what is happened when you have enabled hard crop? We need to see the problem firstly.


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