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Hi CPU Usgage When Logged Into Admin Area

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  • #585093


    We have a Woodmart theme and woocommerce installed on this domain.
    However it seems when logged into the admin area, multiple processes are created on the CPanel server, which eventually crashes the site – with a 503 service unavailable error.

    The server is dedicated with 128GB Ram and 16 Processors, runs on Litespeed and doesn’t replicate this issue with any other sites hosted on it.
    We have tried disabling every plugin and used several caching plugins, but the issue still remains.
    All plugins, theme and woocommerce are up to date too.
    The admin area is unusable at the moment.

    I have attached a screen of the processes showing on CPanel / WHM
    On refreshing once the admin area is idle, they disappear, until the admin area is used again.

    Your advice would be appreciated.

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    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for contacting our support center.

    To better assist you, could you kindly test the functionality with default WordPress themes such as TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront? This will help us determine whether the issue stems from our theme or elsewhere.




    Thanks for replying.
    I will try later and let you know the outcome.

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