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Hide breadcrumb and direct cart button

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    Hello, i have 2 little problems with the theme, the cart button on mobile devices open the sidebar (that looks good on computer but not the best for phones) its posible go direct to cart on click?

    the second one is i want to hide the third breadcrumb, i know the theme hide the 4th breadcrump on phones but i need disable also the third one, is posible?




    Unfortunately, it is not possible to configure cart as a sidebar on desktop and link on mobile. You can remove cart on mobile and add an icon with the link or button. Here are more instructions:
    https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/add-edit-builder-elements/ and https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/#header_builder

    Please try this code:

    body .woocommerce-breadcrumb .breadcrumb-last{
    body .breadcrumb-link-last:after{

    Add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Mobile

    Best Regards



    Hello, breadcrump code seems not working, about cart button is not posible using javascript for example? because i want show in the icon the items on the cart number, adding a icon i lose that.




    hello, also for no open a new thread i write here, why in some mobile phones people see the old colors css, for example original theme was green, now is purple, but some mobile phones see all green, we wait because i was thinking is the page cache, but i clear all the cache and nothing, some mobile phones see all green.



    I do not see the code in mobile. Please specify the site and provide site admin access to the private area. I will check the second issue as well

    Best Regards



    hello, sorry added now, how to go direct to cart directly with no sidebar, in phone and computer also is posible for all devices?



    Navigate to the Header Builder enter the Cart element and find “Without” http://prntscr.com/mtib0c

    This option makes the icon as a link. Switch to the mobile view and set the same on mobile.

    Best Regards



    Hello, thanks is working, strange because header is diferent one for phones, and if you select hidden for phones, the desktop one is bugged, when you click cart all the screen get black shadow overlay but sidebar doesnt apear, no problem disabled for all devices 🙂

    about breadcrump, i put your css in mobile devices and seems not working..




    1. I am checking the site cart it works as per your settings.

    2. Please replace the code with this one:

    body .single-breadcrumbs-wrapper .woocommerce-breadcrumb .breadcrumb-link-last {
        display: none;

    Best Regards



    alright. thank you, is working now 🙂


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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