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Hide menu sticky navigation

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  • #638056



    I would like to hide menu sticky navigation from left, and I would like to open only if I clicked on burger icon from menu in header. How I can do this?

    I don’t want to delete menu, I just want to be hidden and open from left only when I click it from burger icon.

    I searched in other topics but nothing helps.

    Thank you in advance.



    Currently, it is not possible to achieve this through the theme settings. However, you can try using the Categories Element in the Header Builder to display the categories: https://ibb.co/ymgqzW2F

    Additionally, each page has an option to configure the categories menu behavior. Navigate to Pages > edit Page and in the bottom of the page settings, You can set it to appear on click by enabling “Open categories menu”—this will ensure the categories navigation only appears when clicked: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/options-for-pages/

    Hope this helps!

    Best Regards,




    Oh no, I just want to hide vertical bar from left. This is not possible?

    Is there no way to achieve this?

    Thank you in advance.



    It can be disabled via Theme Settings > General > Sticky Navigation and Remove the menu.

    Here is the guide: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/sticky-navigation/

    Best Regards,




    No, I don’t want to remove menu. I just want left sticky menu bar be hidden and open only if I click on burger menu!



    Unfortunately, this is not possible within the theme settings. It requires customization, which is beyond our support policy.

    However, you can use the “Browse Categories” widget in the header builder.

    Alternatively, you can add the hamburger mobile menu to the desktop version by following these steps:

    1. Navigate to WoodMart > Header Builder
    2. Edit the Default Header (marked with a star icon) or access it directly via the admin bar: https://prnt.sc/Ct9ehRDvvDV9
    3. Add the Mobile Menu Widget in the desktop header and configure it accordingly: https://ibb.co/0psCpHyd

    Hope this Helps!

    Best Regards,




    Ok thank you, I will try it.

    Just one last question please according to menu.

    I want to create a menu something like the menu in the image I send you. How I can do this? Because I don’t want just a menu with links, I want something more fancy.


    Thank you in advance.



    You can achieve the same effect using the Icon Box widget in your page builder. This allows you to add a title, content, an icon, and a custom URL. Simply customize the design to match your desired look and feel.

    See the Screenshot for a better understanding: https://snipboard.io/dk9Pg0.jpg

    Best Regards,




    Yes, but, I want to achieve this in menu. So, when I click on burger icon, it will open menu with this format.

    How I can achieve this in menu (not just in a page)?

    • This reply was modified 7 hours, 23 minutes ago by iliadis.


    You can create custom content within an HTML Block in the Page Builder.

    Once done, assign the block in Appearance > Widgets > Area after the mobile menu: https://take.ms/HrIPE

    To get started, you’ll need to create an HTML Block. For detailed instructions, please follow this guide:
    [HTML Blocks Usage Guide] ( https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/html-blocks-usage/ ).

    For this, you need to add the Mobile Menu Widget in the desktop header and configure it accordingly. But it will show the HTML Blocks both in desktop and mobile: https://ibb.co/0psCpHyd

    Best Regards,

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