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How can i change visitor and sold counter on a single product Page?

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    Hello, I would like to change the language for the content of sold counter and visitor counter, where can I change this?

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    You can translate/rewrite all theme and plugin texts via PO file in WordPress. Here is a video tutorial that should help you translate your website texts with a Loco Translate plugin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3NsDdMzsls&list=PLMw6W4rAaOgKKv0oexGHzpWBg1imvrval&index=3

    When you create the translation file in the same language which you have set in Dashboard > Settings > General, you can replace a string and rewrite it this way. Please check and follow this: https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin/manual

    Please check the video tutorial to see how to save the translation file correctly. You can remove the plugin and translations would remain. Also, translations would remain after each theme update.

    In order to translate the WooCommerce strings, you need to create a separate translation in Loco > Plugins > WooCommerce in the same way as shown in the video.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,
    thank you very much for the feedback. I already figured it out and solved it yesterday.

    What I don’t quite understand is why only some things are translated and some are not. As an example the “BUY NOW” button, this is not translated, is there a way to add strings manually? Or do I have to solve this via the FTP?

    thanks in advance



    Please synchronize the translation, and try to find this string, if the problem remains, insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    Best Regards

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