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How default pages work

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  • #630767


    I don’t understand how default pages work and how they are linked together, such as: shopping cart page, checkout page, account page, store page…

    1. First, I want to ask if these pages are default in WordPress or are included when installing the theme.

    2. Second, I wonder if I delete these pages, how can I recreate these pages and how to make them work as before (for example, I delete all the default pages and recreate the pages: shop, cart, checkout. How can I make it so that when I click the view cart button, it goes to the cart page I just created. When I click the checkout button, it goes to the checkout page I just created. When I click the logo, it goes to the shop page I just created…)

    3. Third, I wonder if (shopping cart page, checkout page) in the ‘pages’ section is related to (cart and checkout) in the ‘layouts’ section?

    4. Fourth, I wonder why all the items in the default pages can be edited with elementor, but when I click to edit with elementor, the shop page does not allow editing and shows a message board:
    ‘Sorry, your page’s content area was not found
    You must call the function ‘the_content’ in the current template, for Elementor to work on the page hey”
    I have attached a screenshot of the notice board below.

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    Hung Pham

    Hi dhndigitalmarketing,

    Thanks for reaching to us and appreciate your patience.

    You cannot edit the WooCommerce pages directly with any page builders.

    – You can go to Dashboard > Theme Settings > Product archive and there you can find options related to WooCommerce pages.

    – You are also can use Custom WooCommerce Builder to rebuild WooCommerce pages, please refer to documentation https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/




    Let me ask: because the 2 pages of the store and payment are WooCommerce pages, they cannot be edited directly with any page builders. The remaining pages such as: return policy, shopping cart, Privacy Policy, account are normal pages, so they can be edited directly with Elementor, right?


    Hung Pham

    Hi dhndigitalmarketing,

    That’s correct.




    If I delete these 2 woocommerce pages, can I recreate them myself? If so, how can I recreate them and how can I keep the original features?

    Best Regards.


    Bogdan Donovan


    Yes, you can restore these pages by following the documentation provided here: https://themehunk.com/how-to-create-woocommerce-pages-cart-shop-checkout-account/.

    Kind Regards

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