Home Forums WoodMart support forum How do you make a Custom Title with the AJAX Product Tab like in the demo

How do you make a Custom Title with the AJAX Product Tab like in the demo

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  • #129671


    Wondering how this is exactly done in terms of the data source it’s pulling. Is it using tags from the “Categories or tags” option? How would you used featured items if you choose to pull from tags?




    This is made by two elements: title inside the Product Tabe element and Section Title. http://prntscr.com/o5icc8

    Best Regards



    You didn’t answer the question so let me rephrase it better. How do you get the custom titles to appear like the way you did in the Ajax park Tab element. It was the data source that I’m wondering that it’s pulling from. Are you using a tag taxonomy?



    Please have a look at the screen http://prntscr.com/o5lgz4

    Best Regards



    okay, that’s not what I mean. I know I can change the title, but I mean the product/content that appears in relation to the title. For example, How do I display items that don’t fall under Best Seller, Featured, etc… but instead of that display products that are like the title. Again, i don’t care about the title, i care about the product that reflects the title. How do I pick a specific type of product to appear like in the demo example. I’m trying to figure out exactly how it was done. Plz dont send me screenshots on what the title is, I want to know how do you display the content/product. Thank you



    Please find the information here: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/product-grid-carousel-element/

    Scroll to The General tab provides the options as follows: > Data source.

    Best Regards

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