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How to add this type of menu to our website

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    Hi there I need to have a drop down menu after I click my Categories from Home page, so

    In Home page should be an Anchor menu with all categories and a title ( check image 1 from attachement) , but as I see that field to insert menu/browser categories title is to big for what I do , then no option to change size

    seccond menu option
    From Home page click one of categories, and redirect to categorie page selected , there shoud be a drop down menu as it in screenshot number 5 and also there I try to created a Layout for that page to show all product achive to category selected , no option finded ,

    I try to create a container and to attach a megamenu widget on the left but I cand find that type of dropdown menu

    Please refer any help

    Thank you

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    Navigate to Appearance -> Menus and select that menu, and then for the menu item that has such a dropdown you can enable either the “Aside” style or “Set sizes”, more detail you can find here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/create-mega-menu/

    If you want to show only categories in the shop page, Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Product Catalog > Shop page display.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards.



    That’s true but I want to set on my own into a custom Container created by my self, because it’s very hard as I see to change colors of bottom menu it’s need custom CSS also I have some buttons created by my self also it’s hard do implement in your bottom header menu , then by your reply it’s need to be set in bottom header, but i I don’t want to set in Woodmart Bottom header I want to set on my container created with HTML block



    That’s true but I want to set on my own into a custom Container created by my self is that possible ?



    You can add your own custom menu in the main menu from Appearance > Menu. and for the menu color You can change the font by means of the Advanced typography option, which allows you to choose the item from a drop-down or insert your custom CSS class. Please navigate to the Theme Settings > Typography > Advanced Typography.

    Here is the documentation providing more detailed instructions: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/advanced-typography-settings/

    If you want to add it into the HTML Block use the menu widget.

    Best Regards.



    Hi there please doublce check extra inforamtion below

    Best regards !!!



    You can add the categories element in the header builder to achieve the category drop and add the main menu element in the center columns and configure the menu style “background”.

    See the Screenshot for a better understanding:

    If you want to show this on specific pages, the Woodmart theme provides the option to create different headers for different pages and you need to create a separate header for these pages where you want to disable it.

    Best Regards.




    Great, it’s nearly what we want we will try this way, but we can’t find the CSS for buttons placed in bottom header to be as fallow:
    transparent with white border , text color white , with hoover set when you place mouse to became black baground
    Should be from Theme settings > Custom CSS , can you provide this code

    Thank you!

    Please check image attached below :
    1st instance
    arrow place on :



    Can you please share the page URL I will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    Hi Mr Aizaz Imtiaz Awan our website is not released then is builded local with Local WP , this type of sharing admin WP not build confidence for us, you must have an alternative, because we report alot of inconveniences with your theme , all I can help you is to share screen with our privacy data .

    Hope you understand !
    Best regards !



    Could you please explain how you are adding the button to the bottom of the header? So I will test on our test site and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    We addend through new Container added to main page ( your buttom header is disabled)
    The new container is added next to header Woodmart, and is builded with Elementor,
    New container has (3 containers)

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    Unfortunately it is not possible to work in the way which you want. The mega menu works in the header builder only. I suggest you use header builder for this purpose.

    Best Regards.



    We will do but we can’t sorted out the problem with the buttons I mention in previous topics,

    We need to set in bottom header , this type of buttons as fallow in screenshot

    Screenshot no 1 background transparent, border 1px border color white, text color white,
    Screenshot no2 same button as no 1 with hover when set arrow on, to show as it show, border white, background black text color white rounder both

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    Try to customize the buttons in the elementor page builder.
    Here are our demo button styles.

    Best Regards.



    I’m asking you different way :

    I create a button into your Buttom header,

    I need to set border White

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    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global.

    .btn.btn-style-bordered {
        border: 2px solid #e9e2e2 !important;

    Change the color as per your requirements.

    Best Regards.



    Thank you you can close this topic


    Sounds Great! that your issue has been solved.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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