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How to convert description for mobile devices

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  • #177272


    Hi there

    Please advice:
    I want my description to be visible same as in desktop and as in mobile devices.

    I tried to fix it , and i noticed that short product description is shown properly at mobile device

    is there any way to set short product description only at mobile ?
    Or please advice , how to convert regular descitpion to be shown same in desktop and mobile device

    thanks in advance



    You can hide the short description with custom CSS on any device.

    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global or Mobile or as per your needs:

    .product-image-summary .woocommerce-product-details__short-description {

    Best Regards



    Thanks for reply and hint
    Can you advise me how to covert regular description into mobile device desc ? I tried but with no success only option with short and regular description shown properly on cell phone 🙁



    What do you mean saying “regular description”? Please provide the screen.

    Best Regards



    Once I have description regular include: text images and videos
    And short description include only short text near image

    What I want is to have regular description include all elements I mentioned above but displayed as well in mobile devices

    For now only short description is set to be displayed at mobile devices ( without regular description )

    Hope you can understand 😅



    The product page has full content both on mobile and desktop. You have a very long short description, when you scroll it you will find the full Product Description.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for reply

    That’s the point. I put long short description just for for check if everything is fine

    If both descriptions ( long and short) would work properly I would have them both on mobile. Right now I have only 1 ( short one ) on iPhone
    And 2 descriptions on desktop



    Here is the screen from mobile https://prnt.sc/rabel7

    How do you view the product page: from a mobile or narrowing the window, if you view the product by narrowing the window, reload the page and check.

    Best Regards



    Weird. You are absolutely correct. I have checked now on my iPhone and it works good. But once I check on desktop it wasn’t. I’ll be in few moments in front of my pc and check it

    🤷🏻‍♂️ AnywAy thanks for help 🙂


    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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